
How can I leave my mom?

by  |  earlier

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I grew up in the same home as my mom, but we never really talked or interacted with each other. She went to work 14 hours a day, and she had 2 boyfriends living with us, one of them who beat me and abused me every day for some years, and my mom didn't know about it.

So after 10 years now, my mom and I are living together, just us two. And she tries to love me as much as possible even though she still goes to work 14 hours a day. She cooks for me, buys food I like, and tries to hug me, but I hate her. I don't want to get close to her, but I want someone else to take care of me. I want to meet a girl who will take care of me like a child, but I don't want my own blood mother to. I just absolutely hate her and I don't want her to love me because I don't want to either.

I moved out recently, and my mother cried for many weeks and ended up in the hospital with an apparently "grave illness." When I finally gave in and returned home, she "miraculously recovered."

Lately, she is very protective of me and at one point made a pass at me sexually (I don't want to go into details).

She has given nothing to me in my childhood. She hasn't even fed me when I was little; I had to get food to eat by myself while she ignored me and left me to fend for myself. She only recently started to give me things. I even had to find my own clothes to wear when my old ones stopped fitting.

How can I make her stop loving me? I just want her to hate me forever. I don't care. I want nothing to do with her. NOTHING.




  1. ur mom will always luv u

    try moving with ur grandmama or aunt or sumthin

    didnt u post dis question a few dayz ago ??

  2. first of all she doesn't love you! i am sorry but she doesn't. at least she doesn't have a healthy love for you! i am so sorry to hear about your pain! it makes me sad. you need to remove yourself from this situation as soon as you are able. i do not know how old you are. you say you are an adult but i do not know if you mean you are an adult teenager. if you are under 18 you could go to your states department of human services and ask what resources are available to you considering your circumstances. you desire to be taken care of like a child is taken care of ... so, as long as you are under 18 the state may be willing to remove you from her home and to place you on an adoption list. yes people do adopt older kids. not as often or as quickly but it does happen. i would also get on the internet and look up your states resources. like : Maine department of human services or Florida adoption agencies and so on like such. get yourself a social worker and have 'em advocate for you. if you are over 18 i am so sorry to say that it may be too late and you may have to just take care of yourself from here on out. this makes me so sad for you. i have a wonderful mom but i didn't have a wonderful father and to this day i wish i had a father to be a father to do fatherly things for me, to protect me, teach me about guys, go fishing with and just dad types of things. also, you absolutely need to get yourself into counseling! you need to talk with someone about the emotional pain your "mom" has caused you and continues to cause you! her having had made a "pass" at you has got to be painful! please, if your leg was broken you would go get it reset and casted and you need to do the same for your "heart"! i wish i could be that person you need and deserve to have in your life. you may not believe it now but you will be fine and you will survive this mess you are having to deal with at this point. nothing last forever but the ill effects can if you don't speak to someone and if you don't get away from her asap! you are the only one that can change your situation but once you ask for help once you find the help you won't have to go it alone any more! hate will eat you up if you allow it to continue and you hating her isn't effecting her at all so you are only hurting yourself by hateing her. well, i do not know what else to say. but please do whatever you have to do to get away from this horrible situation! take care of yourself!  

  3. move out of the state asap!!! get away from this crazy chick :o

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