
How can I prevent side cramps?

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Well, I don't mind running to much now that I got my asthma under control but every time I go for a run I can't run more than 5 min before my side starts to cramp its usually my left side and if I try to run through it both sides start to cramp its really weird. This usually happens before I am even tired. I'm not out of breath my muscles are not sore and I feel fine but its the dame cramps that make me have to stop. What can I do to prevent them.




  1. dont drink alot of water before you run. if you do make sure its warm. whe ni have cramps. i grab were it hurts and breathe in deep.

  2. do u drink water before u go on a run? if u do, thats why. ur not suppose to have water right before u start a run because u will cramp really bad, so drink water about 20 minutes before u go on a run.

  3. Drinking water right before or while you are runnign is fine. The problem is that you should not drink more than your body can accept.

    example-sipping rather than gulping

  4. that happens to me if i eat within an hour of running, or drink within a half hour of running.

  5. ah, stitches in the side...a pain, but easily fixable.

    Generally, 1 of 2 things is the cause.  The first, and more common, cause is improper hydration.  In other words, you need to drink more water during the day, overall.  The other cause (that i can think of) is that you may be retaining a bit too much CO2 in the body.  This is marked by stitches at the bottom of the ribcage on both sides (which is why i'm inclined to say you have the first).  this can be cured by pushing air out of your lungs, quickly, blow a stream of air.  

    Hope this helps!


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