
How can I raise money????

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I'm a 13 year old girl who is trying to raise money to buy, well to buy things I want from the mall. My parents give me money sometimes but never enough for a cute skirt at Hollister. I need to know how I can raise the money myself. I'd like to work for my money because my brother does and says its very full filling, but he works as a lifegaurd and only during summer. I don't know what I can do. My parents don't want me to work around the house because they feel like making a child work is wrong, but I want to work to get some money raised up. I know I'm rambling but I'm just really at a loss for what to do. Can anyone help?




  1. Save Your MOney Till You Can Buy What You Want.

    Or You Can Always Work On The Corner Just Dont Tell Your

    Parents And The'll Never Know!  

  2. You can join some work at home jobs free. And start earning from home For complete details visit

    Contains all possible ways to earn at home.  

  3. Forget the "get rich quick" schemes.  At best, they don't work, at worst, they steal your identity.

    Try talking to your parents about why you want to earn some extra money.  Legally, a 13 yo cannot work for a business.  (You can, with limitations, when you turn 14 - talk to your school counselor about that, they will have the forms you will need to fill out.)  However, if your parents understand why you want a bit of extra cash and that you are willing to work for it, they may willing to come up with some jobs around the house that they are willing to pay you for.  

    Personally,  I think it is great that you are willing to work for some extra cash.  It truly is fulfilling, but there are so many spoiled brats out there who think the world owes them diamonds and cars...

  4. you can can try washing cars or doing a fundraiser like a bake sale or something.

  5. Hi Shannon

    Do not be fooled by quick get rich schemes being offered here to you.  I think you are on the right track.  However, at age 11 you are a bit to young to babysit and it is illegal at this age.  Why don't you try talking to your parents and telling them what you are trying to do.  Offer to do extra chores around the house for a couple of dollars here and there.  Also, you could ask extended family and friends if there is something you could do and in return be reimbursed for your services because you are trying to earn money for a laptop.  This should get the ball rolling.  You might one day be a little entrepreneur.  You may also want to check for a less expensive laptop in case you do not have enough cash by Christmas.  Always consult with your parents for this is an investment and you need to invest wisely.  You will need their advice and suggestion as well. I know you will get it.  Keep up the good work

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