
How can I retrieve deleted emails?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know for general knowledge. Also, is this process the same on all computers or does it vary from PC to MAC and email applications/ISP's. Just curious how this is done. I saw it on TV and wondered if it was just that simple.




  1. most deleted emails lead to the trash bin

  2. Most e-mail programs have a 'deleted items' folder so that if you accidentally delete something, or need to go back and get one you deleted, it is right there.

    Some have settings as to how big to make your deleted folder, or how long to keep them for.

    If you have deleted them from the deleted folder (or it did it automatically) they are probably gone, but I have often found information that I thought was toast - simply by hunting through my inbox/sent items folders and finding a thread where I had been going back and forth with someone on a topic, and all of the info is there.

    You can always archive, or backup e-mails - and if it is just text, I often save them as txt files (worst case you can always just cut & paste the parts you need into another file).

    This comes especially in handy at work when I have someone send me information related to a project - I can keep a master file that has all of the back and forth and various details.  I love to verify information with people (like if they call me and tell me something) that way when they develop memory loss later, I have proof of what they told me).

    It's saved my butt (or at least made someone else look like an idiot) on dozens of occasions.

    It's the same reason I almost never throw anything away - keeping folders of notes, sketches, etc. - I had a guy that I work with try to claim we had done something wrong one time, so my boss went down to try to smooth things over.  I went to my folder and managed to find where the guy had written a note telling us to do exactly what we had done.

    I caught my boss walking out of the guys office, handed him the sheet and said 'who's handwriting is this?' - he didn't say anything, just got a big smile on his face, and went back into the guys office and schooled him.  Needless to say, the next time I was up for a raise - tadow!!

  3. In hotmail it stays in your deleted folder for a week .

    You can open and move it at any time

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