
How can I see auras??

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I am a crystal but can't see auras how can I?




  1. Illegal drugs

  2. There is no such thing as a crystal or indigo child, that is just some rubbish that someone made up so that they could make a heap of money selling books about it.

    Unfortunately people like to think that they are special of that their kids are special so gullible people are easily fooled by this nonsense.

    So stop going round telling people that you are crystal because when you realise that there is no such thing and that everyone is laughing at you you are going to be sooooo embarrassed.

    Some people see auras because there is something wrong with their eyes or brain, other people see auras by staring really hard at something until their eyes get tired. Some people can't see anything at all but say they do in order to take your money.

    When tested scientifically it has been found that there is no aura, you might like to watch this youtube clip where a person who claims to be able to see auras is tested.

  3. I'm an empath (emotion senser and awareness senser). I can't see auras but I can tell from emotions what the person's personality is like. I come off as bipolar because I react so much to the emotions I'm feeling. You can't see auras unless you were born with it, or when you hit puberty the extra onslaught of hormones will bring it out.

  4. Get yourself dropped in a beer keg that should produce some auras. Works for me!

  5. Well some people may not believe in it. But think about this. The static electricity a person generates is quite high in voltage, the actual current is very low. That is why it is pretty much harmless. Electricity is light and with light there is always color. Even though a person may not see this static electricity coming off of people I do believe it is possible for someone to be able to feel someones aura. There has been many cases where people can feel colors with their fingers and just know what color it is. Now I will tell you HOW to read someones aura. First it starts off with finding out how your body and senses react to certain colors by surrounding yourself with them and become familiar with them. It takes practice and time. That is how you will be able to sense other peoples auras. Also through self hypnosis you can make yourself be able to better be in tune with how your body reacts to colors.

  6. I use my binoulauras

  7. just because you're a crystal doesn't mean you'll automatically be able to do all the things those lists say you do. Technically, I believe I owuld be a crystal as well, but I don't define myself like that. I think it's wrong to list people like that, as it disincludes those who aren't "special". Everyone is special, you know?

    No offense on that, BTW. Just my thoughts. And I really just mean not to define yourself based on someone else's definition. make your own.  :)

    Auras... I can see them, but I can't see color. I'm worrking on it. lol But... stand in front of a mirror, with a white wall behind you. Or have a friend sit across from you with their back against a white wall. The surface color behind them has to be white or you won't get true color, the color you see will be influenced by the color of the wall.

    Stare at their head, but not directly at it, stare just slightly away from it, so that you actually see their head in your peripheral vision. If you blink you'll have to start over. But stare and let your gaze go out of focus. After a bit you should see it. Either than or when you blink you'll see it.

    I've only managed to see color twice, and have yet to be able to replicate it.

    Good luck!  

  8. A crystal??? WTF are you talking about?  

  9. well you have to be born seeing them. I can't see aura's either. i'm psychic.

  10. My brother was overdosing on prescription amphetamines and/or ritalin, and he said he could auras quite plainly...

  11. lol, wut? You're a crystal? Seriously, dear, it's a good thing that you can't see auras, as there are no such things. Your eyes are still good, it seems.

  12. The aura cannot actually be seen by the human eyes because you can not look directly upon it.  The eye only sees in color at a small point directly in front of your vision and merely interprets color from memory in those items that are in you peripheral vision.  In order to actually see an aura, you must meditate and allow yourself to rise to a higher mentally elevated density by concentrating mostly on the color indigo.  With enough practice, you will not only be able to see the spectrum of colors surrounding you aura during this elevated term, you will also experience the horrifying realization that there are other entities around you because you will see them as well.
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