
How can I sing better .?

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I want to learn how to sing..Good? Tho I dont think I sing very good.. Do you have to " have it " to be a good singer or is it something than can be learned..? any one know were to put my vocals to the test... or how i can exercise them .? Also any sining techniques..?

thanks for the help




  1. Standing up straight helps. i suggest singing lessons, and just keep practicing. this is gonna sound cheesy, but i'm gonna say it anyway : practice makes perfect.

  2. Singing is a skill. You can be born with some innate abilities, but the art of singing (meaning diction, lyric rules etc.) is a skill that must be learned.

  3. Singing, I think, is something that you have to have an aptitude for, but sometimes even a "bad singer" might end up good through practice or learning of better vocal techniques which can polish the "rough" talent which hasn't been discovered yet. I heard that standing up while singing and singing from the diaphragm (where your abs are) can help. But to be honest, even with training if you really don't have the range, you just can't get better and some people are inherently talented.

  4. To do anything "well," it takes practice.

    The cliche is true.  Just remember, some things require a coach or teacher.  I believe "singing" falls into the category of "a mentor can greatly help, tho you can improve on your own with dedication".

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