
How can I speak up more?

by Guest62520  |  earlier

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When I grow up I really want to be an actress but I'm really shy and I don't talk much at school. Last year I was in a drama club and next year when I'm in high school, I'm going to act in the musical they do every year. Any tips to help me speak up more? Thank you to everyone.




  1. I have the same problem, just try to remember that other people's opinions does not matter.

    Join a club that makes you do public speaking (marketing classes are really good)

    Start volunteering to answer questions in classes, even in you get the answer wrong at least you spoke up

    Try to meet some new friends :)

    Good luck

  2. Don't be afraid to speak up, don't worry what people think because you have your own opinion and it deserves to be heard!  

  3. people don't 'grow up' to be actors and actresses, you either are or you can't

    acting is the same as 'pretending to be someone that you are not' while making everyone else believe you... if you can do that then you are an actor

    I would suggest that you continue to study theater and get involved in every aspect of it, not just being out on stage, which might help you feel more comfortable on stage

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