
How can I stop masturbation ?

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I am masturbating since I was 16 years old. Nowadays, I cant sleep without being tired from masturbating.

Do you have any good solution ?




  1. Chop it off

  2. Try to keep yourself busy in other ways... maybe, before you go to bed try to exercise for a little while till you get tired or take a jog instead, there are always things for you to do instead of that, maybe talk to a friend on the phone or get online so you can distract yourself.... or maybe grab a bible, lol.. I think that might kill the mood that you were in, lol.... Idk, but good luck! ♥

  3. Keep yourself busy with others. And stop looking at things (or thinking of things) that make you horny. ü I hope this article will be a good read for you:

  4. get a girlfriend and have s*x

  5. avoid whatever related to s*x

    play sport alot

    make ur self tired during the day with usefull stuff so when u go to bed u feel really tired so u wont think about it and manage ur sleep timing (get up early and sleep early)

    at the beginning may face some difficulties and sleep disorder coz u r used to sleep with masturbation but then u'll feel better

  6. get a girlfriend and **** her

  7. why would you wanna stop??

  8. have s*x or find another motion that makes your hand go up and down

  9. replace it with a different habit, once u get into the routine of it, whatever the new habit is will become second nature.

  10. you are totally normal masturbating everyday.

    some people m********e 3-4X a day and they are fine. i've been masturbating for many years everyday and i'm fine.

    there are no side effects of masturbating everyday. your body will tell you when you m********e too much. that is your p***s will be too sensitive to touch. but leave it a couple of days and you'll be fine to go again :)

    basically ENJOY YOURSELF ;)

    its good for you too.

    however, if you really want to stop, then leave your bed room door open if you are living with other people and don't go to bed until you're real tired. be with people at all times and don't sleep nude. dont have a tv or computer in your room as well and don't look up p**n

    good luck

  11. Just stop masturbating cold turkey. Your gonna have to fight the urge and get masturbating off your mind or anything arousing out of your head or concentrate on something else. Also, spend more time doing something like a hobby or spend time with friends. Hope this Helps.

  12. yea, stock up on vasoline & have fun

  13. Keep a diary of the number of times you do it and make a point that say tomoorw you won't and if you manage that reward yourself with a bar of chocolate or something but if you don't then don't eat chocolate for a week.

    Don't lie in bed if you're not going to either get up or go to sleep. Get out of bed and do something else. Answer some questions on Yahoo Answers, for instance!

    Also just think of spiders having s*x every time you do it. That's enough to put anyone off! Might help to have a book of creepy insects by the bed!

    And last thing; when you next walk past a graveyard remember that every single corpse in there has had s*x, by themselves or with others. s*x is your body's way of telling nature you don't have a purpose in life anymore because you've passed your genes on.

  14. either get a gf and **** her good LOL or play sports or wieght lift i hear that usally gets guys off of masturbation  

  15. slap your self every time you think about doing it?

    good luck

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