
How can I support him?

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My friend has suffered from cancer for most of his life. Everyone knew and even if he sneezed they would be like " quick call an ambulence". A while ago the cancer went away but now has come back in other places. I don't know how tosupport him though. I have my own problems at home to deal with and he knows about them. But I still want to help him, is there anything I can do or sa that might comfort him?

I'm the only person who knows, we are both 13 and only have one class together at school so its hard to get a chance to talk to him.




  1. Treat him  like a normal person.

    I haven't had many illnesses luckily but when I broke my arm I felt people treated me different which I didn't like.  

  2. Try to help around by asking his parents if they want some help around the house or plan a fundraiser to raise money to cover his medical bills. Also do things like relay for life or cancer walks to raise money to help other people too. My class sent money, a stuffed toy and a houseplant to a family in our region who had a 3 year old with stomach cancer. Even though the little girl died, the family sent us a 3 page long letter saying how much we helped them. They even buried the little girl with the stuffed toy we gave her. Even the littlest thing can make a huge difference to someone in need. God bless your soul.

  3. don't keep reminding him about it....

    just  promise him that if he ever needs someone to talk to that wont judge him....then you"ll be there for him...and keep that promise...and when hes ready to talk h**l come to trust me...

    and one one day, he mightrepay you by helping to solve your problems as well because you have been so nice to him

    and just try to make his life as much fun as possible and keep his spirits high

    good luck and may god bless you for trying!


  4. You sound very strong & mature for your age. You have to take him to the side, away from everyone else and let him know that you are there for him. No matter what. Even if you have things going on yourself or not. This is an important time to be selfless and he'll know what a great friend he has with you there for him. You may even relieve stress of yourself by focusing on his needs right now. And who knows, you may get lucky and you're problems will go away in the meantime. I hope everything turns out well for the both of you.  

  5. Just be there for him.  Just talking to him in that one class is probably enough.  Try hanging out with him after school probably with the gf so she doesn't get suspecious.  he could die so you should probably spend some time with him.  Don't let a jealous gf get in your way.  If she thinks he's cheating that's her problem.  You might never see your friend again, so hang out with him more and take a lot of pictures.  Because later on you'll be thinking about him and you'll wish you had some pictures.

  6. that very moment he needs a friend..even more  he need friends. spend him a visite at home or where ever he is.. take some of your mutual friends to take him out. don't let him alone right now.that is for the moment more important than your own problems, I swear and u never will regret what u have done for him

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