
How can I tell the difference...?

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How can I tell the difference in horses as far as geldings/mares/stallions/mustangs/etc...... Or what is the difference?




  1. well, geldings are boys that are fixed, stallions are boys that arent fixed, mares are female horses. . . just look under them to figure out what is what type (not hard to tell the differenece) a mustang is a breed of horse not a gender. . .just google horses and start reading.

  2. experiance... experiance.. experiance.. Mares and geldings aren't hard but stallions and gelding are near inpossible to tell far away except most of the time they are let out/exctied and ready to breed or at least the couple I have been around.. (board at a training barn) mares will tend to be more pitete and more refined..

  3. wow appolusa , clydsdale , arabian , arib , lots get the book horses for dummies it tells you everything

  4. Mustang is a breed like dogs come in different breeds so do horses.  There are many horse breeds.

    Gelding- neutered male

    Stallion- un-neutered male

    Mare- female

    There are many resources on the Internet for educating yourself on horses, riding and ownership.

    Buying or adopting a horse can range from free to hundreds of thousands.  Keeping the horse, food, shelter and medical care can run 5k up per year.

    The best way to learn is to volunteer at a horse rescue and learn on the job.

  5. OK let go. Foal, baby horse, both girl, filly. , boy, colt, some old horsemen, call a boy baby horse, a horse colt, the boy grow to a 1 year old so call a yearling, an up. at some time, some will be cut,castration, remove the t******e, from the male horse, called gelding, thus the name for a cut boy horse, Gelding. a uncut boy horse, colt grow up at 2 years old to be a stallion. A breading stallion is call a stud. A baby girl horse filly, grow up a 2 years old and is called a mare. The three s*x's of most farm animals, not many people keep the male, breading animals uncut around, because they are, or can be mean. Like you have heard or the bulls, Most male cattle are cut, and called steers. and cow are keep home having baby cafe. I remember on one summer church trip to camp, the other kids were talking about the cows and bull, I asked how did you know the difference, I did not hear the answer, for all the kids laughing. the others a breed names. The difference breeds have difference caricaturist, that make the breed

  6. Yes its not always easy. But, as far as Mares, geldings, studs(stallions) and Mustangs.

    Mares are female horses

    Studs(stallions) are male

    Geldings are castrated male horses

    Mustangs are a North American horse that originated from horse brought over form Spain with the Spanish explorers.

    Different breeds have different conformations, there are many good books and web sites that have this information readily available. Luck

  7. Ask your mother.

  8. gelding is a boy that has no thingy haha

    mare is a girl

    stallions are complete

    and mustangs are a breed


  9. well mustang isnt really the same category... its a breed! you can tell its a gelding/stallion if the um you no is almost on the stomach... (apears to be not literally) and its a mare if not

  10. ok aleaches its not there thingy thats cut of the still have a p***s there testicles are cut off

  11. 1st thing a mustang is a breed of horse not a gender.

    Well a mare mainly means  a girl horse.

    A stud is a boy horse that has not been cut!

    To tell this there will be 2 ball sacks underneath him.

    A gelding is a boy horse that has been cut from a stud into a gelding.

    Studs can be bred with mares!

    But gelding can't b/c they have mainly been fixed!

    I guess you could say

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