
How can a teen get pregnant?

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How can a teen get pregnant?




  1. bird and bess aka s*x

  2. The same way as adults and other mammals - by having s*x. Are you daft or something?

  3. If the teen is having s*x then she can get pregnant.

  4. The dude puts his p***s into her v****a..causing total mayhem within the families and the community they live in, the girls life is pretty much ruined at the point of birth of the child.

    Use a condom

  5. if you dont know the answer to that question then you shouldnt get pregnant

  6. BY HAVING s*x.

  7. by having s*x without protection

  8. naturally, by having unprotected s*x, but my question is why on earth would a teen want to get pregnant. your still growing when your a teen. there's nothing wrong with having kids, but if your still a teenager. why would you want to have a kid hanging around you when going to school or college. unless youve accidently done it then. but advice to you,even adults have probelms taking care of kids. well hope this helped.

  9. being a HO!

    just kidding.

    well most are actually.

    other, are just caught up in love/popularity

    and do things like have unprotected s*x not thinking its such a big deal

    then a few months later out pops a baby.

    with no daddy around.

    Be smart girls!

  10. Have s*x, DUH!!!

  11. By having unprotected s*x.  

  12. same way adults do.

  13. Watch out for horses. They have giant penises. You could get penetrated and not even know it.

  14. effing please.....

  15. By having s*x

  16. By having s*x. You don't have to be an adult or married to have s*x.

    You should probably talk to your parents about it.  

    (don't call her stupid she is probably just young)

  17. If a teenage girl has her period for a few years, and has unprotected s*x with a male. The sperm he releases fertilizes an egg inside her, and that forms a baby. It's not impossible for teenagers to get pregnant. You should know that by now - just look at Jamie Lynn Spears!

  18. Ummmmm.........maybe have s*x????? Maybe without a condom????

  19. just like everyone else? have s*x? without condom?

  20. By being chosen to bear the Son of God.

    Or she could be impregnated by the midiclorians to bring balance to the force.

  21. by eating a steak,jk s*x idot

  22. Well, when two teens love each other very much...

  23. i wouldn't think i would have to say this buuuuut

    when a teen girl and a teen boy get together sometimes thay get...excited

    sooooo they go into the bedroom and.......

    pick up the phone and call the adoption agency and then wear a giant stomache and in nine months the agency sends a pigeon to drop off the newborn....

    haha wooowwwww why would some teenager wanna get preggers anywho?

  24. s*x

  25. By having unprotected s*x.

  26. Um, have s*x. Get a sperm donor. ??

  27. Aliens beem a baby into a mother tummy, FOR PETES SAKE!

  28. By having s*x! Duh!

  29. If a teen has s*x & they don't use protection (condoms, birth control) that usually gets them pregnant.

    They get pregnant the same way adults do.

  30. Having unprotected s*x after your period has started for the first time, hope is has by the time your a teen though...

  31. By having s*x....?

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