
How can i be stealthy

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i want to know how to be very silent and not noticeable. ive taken an interest in stealth after playing splinter cell games. the most difficult thing for me is how to be quiet while opening doors and walking on hardwood floors. if you can give me a link to a website, or just answer my questions, that would be great. thanks.




  1. are you referred to as that "weird creepy stealth guy" a lot?if not you soon will be.

  2. just use your tip-toes and wear camo. go really slow, don't rush! be cat-like, meow!

  3. Wood floors creak,walk on the floor normally to locate what spots creak.Real trick is how you walk,there is some specific footing to sneak,like toe to heel.There are ninja books the may help,the show different ways to walk on many types of surfaces;gravel,cement,grass etc.Against walls,has a cross-step method,other.Doors,some stick a little,most doors can be opened stealthily;place thumb,index and middle fingers of left hand up on door about eye level,with light pressure push on door,with the right hand;grab k**b,turn slowly until it unlatches,to close it,carefully turn k**b as to open door, fingers as before,push door to closed position,slowly release k**b.  

  4. Walking stealthy is hard but if you walk slowly starting from the heal lay your foot down practice will help you. As for the doors plase your hand on the ccreasingof the door and slowly pull back at the same time lift the door with the door k**b and it should be aallotqquieterif this description doesn't help iI'msorry the only other way is to show you and I'm not willing to fly to aanotherstate or know where you live.

  5. Use the serum in Hollowman movie.

  6. um.....try shutting up

  7. You can't.

    As soon as people realize what you are attempting to do you will become conspicuous.

    Conspicuous and stealthy don't mix very well.
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