
How can i get back on.....?

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Ok well I got hurt on my horse 2nd week of summer. I broke my neck...I had to get surgery long story short.....I'm alittle afraid to get back on her. I love her and spend so much time with her but I'm afraid. I can get on other horses I feel off of but idk...




  1. just take it really slowly.  get a friend to come with you - if they dont have a horse maybe they could walk bwith you or ride a bike or just be around.  it'll give you someone to talk to - try not to focus all your thoughts on the horse but just be relaxed, have a chat with your friend and a giggle and only do a few minbutes at first then build up the time/speed/amount of exercises etc over time.

  2. omg u broke ur neck..u r lucky 2 even b walkin..gotta say i love my horse but i would reconsider riding if i had got such a serious injury..i would keep goin up to carry on wit usual chores etc n jus see if u feel comfortable enough to get back in the saddle..only you know how u luck :)

  3. I had back surgery a couple of years ago.  Nothing was broken like you had, but I've been told that if I get thrown again I WILL be paralyzed.  And yet  I can't stand to be without the horses.  I just recently got on my 2 year old.  I was very nervous (though I think my boyfriend was more nervous than I was).  

    Take your time, and don't push yourself too hard.  If all you can manage is to sit on her, just do that.  You will know when you're ready for more.  Groundwork is always a good idea.  If you like doing the "natural" horsemanship, go for it.  I personally blend severl differnt "natural" clinicians methods and add my own spin on them.  It will help you feel more confident once you're back on, and it might also let your mare know that you are not going to be afraid to work with her.

    So glad you're doing well.  Keep your recovery going and try to give yourself a break whenever you need it.

  4. If riding is your love I am sure you will soon ride again. I know its difficult to actually get over it but try think what you lose by not riding. I am sure you will ride her AGAIN... good luck

  5. If your doctor says it is safe for you to ride again, I'd strongly suggest Parelli natural horsemanship for you.  Go very slowly, don't feel pressured to get back on until you are ready; you might not want to get back on this particular horse at all?  And if you don't, that's ok. Good for you for asking this important question.  Best wishes, and stay safe!

  6. glad you r ok could u find a school master to ride at the start

  7. It's ok to feel afraid its only natural after what happened to you! And if you still spend a ton of time with her i can tell you care a lot about her. Just the same for your safety and hers maybe there is a nice and slow way to ease back into riding. First of all i assume your neck is still a little jostled up so dont get into it to fast. I know you probably wont with your situation but i just wanted to add that. My other suggestions are these:

    Start out by riding in an INDOOR arena if you have one. In fact dont just start out that way but stay inside till you feel one hundred percent safe.

    Then you could get a freind or two, one of your parents or siblings, or someone you feel comfortable with to help you. Put your horse in a halter and lead and tack her up. Spend plenty of time before hand on the ground working on showmanship to gain even the slightest bit of confidence. Then have your freind hold your horse safely by the lead while you slowly get up. If you need maybe have another freind help you get up and give you encouragement. Once up you dont have to do anything if you dont feel comfortable. Just sitting on her will hopefully make you feel twenty times better already. If you feel so unsteady that you want to get down do it. Take a nice relaxing break and then try again when you feel at ease again. Once comfortable enough have your freind lead your horse around for you at a walk. Keep working from there and try to slowly transition into higher and more independent levels of riding.

    Also You could meet with an instructor or trainer and try riding in a lesson. I'd do a private one at first because a group lesson may be too overwhelming and you may need the instructer's entire focus so that he or she can help you to ya know breath and stuff again.

    Just remember you dont have to jump right back in the saddle. You should never feel the need to push yourself past your comfort level. Good luck and I hope the best for you!

  8. such a scary injury and thank heavens you are ok :o)

    not knowing the circumstances of the fall,how long you have been riding the horse, and your level of experience and exactly how the fall occurred( the horse difficult/green etc)it's hard to say. Mebbe try some groundwork/in hand/lungeing etc to bond more...then, and only with docs Ok, try getting a friend to lunge you on the horse in an arena...

    I had one horse years ago, that dumped me so often..she had no sense of self preservation and would run off into the only tree in a 100 acre field, dragging me off against the tree, bolted regularly and exploded often !!. One day, I tacked her up(angel in the box)and put my foot into the stirrup to mount...I just couldn't do it. I never rode her again, I felt like a failure, but she was difficult to put it mildly with all riders..I loved her and it was a confusing time for us both. If you decide you don't want to ride her again..TRUST YOUR INSTINCT !!. It's your descision and yours alone, ignore anyone that makes derisory comments, self preservation is what keeps the human race going !...stay safe and hope you continue to make a full recovery

    all blessings

    Zoe :o) x

  9. get back on that horse..... you should never be afraid of your horse!!!!

    ride a little in an arena and then go trail riding get you confidence up!!!!!!!!

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