
How can i get canadian citizenship?

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i am born in the u.s . but i want to live in can i obtain a citizenship for canada.




  1. Canadian immigration people are very anti-american....

  2. Ask libs who voted for Gore & Kerry, they claimed to have plans to move there, but never did.

  3. go to the government website and start there... you will be applying for permanent residence first and then citizenship after a number of years and the government isn't anti- american because it took a little more than a year and a half for my husband who is american to get permanent residence

  4. Go to

    This is the official gov't web site for people who want Canadian citizenship.

    Note that there is a series of qualifying questions - education, languages spoken, etc. and not everyone qualifies.

  5. America does allow dual citizenship - it just does not OFFICIALLY recognize it. Anyone entering the USA who is a US citizen, MUST BY LAW show their US passport at customs & immigration. They cannot show any other passport they may have.

    Below is the beginning of the skilled worker application for permanent residence in Canada - just to see if you qualify. You must be a PR living in Canada for 3 years before you can apply for citizenship. PR status in Canada is the same as Green card status in USA.

    You need to have at least 1 years work experience in your chosen field before you can apply. 4 years is better - gives you more points.

    You must meet the following minimum requirements to apply as a skilled worker:

    You have at least one continuous year of full-time, paid work experience or the equivalent in part-time continuous employment. Your work experience must be Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC).

    You must have had this experience within the last 10 years. NOC list

    assessment test - you must get 67 points to qualify.

    application processing times in Skilled worker category

    You will need $10,000 saved up - before you apply as you will be required to show this proof that you have this money when you apply.

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