
How can i have thos eyebrows?

by  |  earlier

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is it possible to get this shape?




  1. It's not possible. Megan Fox also has eyebrows that are really high up...and so does one of the actresses in Twin Peaks.

  2. i don't think that's possible. maybe she shaved her eyebrows off and drew them with a pencil. are you sure that shape suits u? it makes a person look mean..

  3. well if your eyebrows create that kind of sharp curve, then yeah, otherwise its probably impossible. maybe go to a pro, they might help.

    but for the record...they do make her look permanently surprised, they had that fashion in the past but no one does it like that anymore..! maybe you should stick to something softer and more gracious like this:

  4. It is .. if ur eyebrows are smth similar too .. if it is totally straight den i dunno weather u have a chnace to get eybrows like dat ..

    Hope u understand

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