
How can i help my son?

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My son is the only one in his class that doesn't know cursive. How can i help him?




  1. Practice, practice, practice!

  2. Go to walmart or a school store and they have beg. books to help him!

  3. Pretty much what everyone else has said - just sit with him and practice!

    My daughter goes to a school where they don't start to teach reading and writing until 2nd grade.  Although I love the philosophies of this school - that really irritated me, so I got her to have "reading" time for half an hour a day.  It only took a couple of months and now she's reading big books and loving it.

    For my younger daughter who has just started school this year  - when it is "reading time" I get her to pick a book, grab a pen and paper and copy out the words.  This helps her learn to form the letters, understand sentencing and teaches her how to pay attention to detail.   It is working wonders, and her writing is coming along in leaps and bounds!

    With my older daughter - when she was learning cursive I would start by getting her to write the words normally, then join them up after - gradually learning to join them up as she goes.  

    The same as learning to read - start with small-easy-to-join words like cat, dog, etc and then move onto the tougher ones.  

    The letters my daughter always had trouble with were p, q, d, g and r.

    The sentence - "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"  has every letter of the alphabet in it, so it's a good one to use for practicing once he has mastered the smaller words.

    Good luck!

  4. Try teaching him cursive!!

  5. Just practice with him at home.  It's one of those completely worthless things to know how to do if you ask me, but unfortunately the schools still require it.  Heck, I haven't wrote in cursive since elementary school.

  6. by taking the time to teach it yourself. also talk with his teacher about why this has happened. peace.

  7. sit down with him and have him trace over cursive letters, then have him practice it over and over again by himself

  8. teach him cursive yourself also talk with his teacher why didn't he already learn cursive?  by the way you should try to relax my daughters in 5th grade and still won't evan try to learn cursive.

  9. Buy the worksheets.. They probably sell them at staples.. just have him practice.

    Why doesn't he know? My son's school taught him in Kindergarten.

  10. make him practice cursive at home.  My brother learned it by imagining that he was drawing a rollercoaster

  11. get a practice book on how to write in cursive

  12. try and teach him, or talk to the teacher.. its awful being the only one in the class. and remind your son that its not his fault!

  13. When I was young (i'm 46 now) my family moved from England to Australia and when I started school I was the only person in my class who could not do cursive.

    My teacher gave my mum a workbook on cursive - starting at the basics and working up to the more difficult part.  Each night after school mum sat with my brother and I and helped us practise cursive for about 30 or 40 mintues...within a few weeks we had both mastered brother (who is older) found it more difficult and while he "got it" his writing is to this day really cursive is super neat and I belive it is because I learnt how to do it exactly by the tet book.

    I am sure there are great workbooks available today that you could get for your son and spend some time working with him  at home...I am sure he will then catch up with his class mates.

    Hope this helps

  14. im 18 and dont know cursive, if he can write his name, that is all that will be required from him in the future

  15. Practice With Him.

    Teach Him Yourself.

    Cuz Apparently The Teachers Aren't Doing Their Jobs....

    So If You Try To Sit Down && Practice With Him He Should Learn In A While.


    Good Luck.

  16. sit down with him and write words and let him trace them. this way her learns how the letters look and how to make them. then get him to write the word below it. just be understanding and it will come in time.

  17. Go to target, walmart or any teaching supply store and but a manuscript book and sit with him, also you may ask the teacher for manuscript practice sheets so your son can learn.

  18. From what I've seen in our local schools over the past 15 years, reading and writing seem to have been flushed down the toilet. No longer do the grade schools have that great 'lined paper' and samples of each letter up on the wall, and kids spending hours just copying over and over the correct way to right!

    The best thing you can do, every day after school or when you get home from work-is go over the day's schoolwork with your son-and if he has homework go through it and help him with it. Then, spend some time teaching him the correct way to write. If your handwriting isn't the greatest, there are still places to find the 'teaching' pages with the lettering to copy. Don't argue, yell, scream-that will not help. Just tell him that you are both going to practice writing for 10 minutes or so...and then stop for the night. Do this everyday and it won't take long before he will surpass the class and have great handwriting!

    Those that answer that it isn't worth it, not needed, won't ever be used...good for you! I'll probably see you for the next 30 years asking me if I want fries with my order-because you won't be getting any better job anywhere!

  19. get him some practis books that teach cursive
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