
How can i help w/ poverty?

by Guest59286  |  earlier

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i want to help but im only 15.....any one have sum advise of wat i could do to help?




  1. I'm from Detriot Michigan poverty is a big issue.Most of the time there is not much any of us can do.Not even our major can fix such a huge problem.So instead of just giving up, I do as much as I can like, giving change to homeless people I drive by every day on the street, going to soup kitchens, giving to Good Will, or donating to charity.  One thing you have to remember is to never giving up on this issue. As fruitless as this may seem at least your not ignoring the problem, like most peolpe.

  2. search the internet and look for volunteer opportunities..

  3. Raise awareness through school.  Start a program that helps families in need.  Think small scale first.  Like around your neighborhood and then take it from there to a larger scale like city, county, region, state, country, world.  Takes a lifetime to make any type of difference though so be prepared to dedicate your entire life to something that will probably always exist.  But at least you tried right?

  4. win the lottery

  5. It is a small step... but a good one...try

    when you answer vocabulary correctly you donate 20 grains of rice for every correct answer.... It helps you prepare for your SATs and you help poverty.. It's great!

  6. Giving to the poor usually only helps with charity...but what you're looking for seems to be something bigger. Seems like you're looking for justice, or an answer to end poverty once and for all. If you find an answer for that, let me know...this is a problem everybody is looking to answer and is usually a main debate for politicians.

    You can start by going helping out at food banks, or habitat for humanity. Whatever works for you. Your options are endless...It's all up to you. GOOD LUCK!

  7. You can help poverty by helping the church. Really! Churches do things called midnight runs, and they also collect canned food and money and even presents and clothes for the poor. You can donate to the church and help on things like midnight runs. I wanna help poverty too, and i know from experience that its scary to just walk up to a homeless man and give him clothes or something, and its actually probably not the smartest thing either. They can be offended, or they can just be plain old dangerous. Plus, most of them will spend it on drugs, and you said that you want to HELP poverty. Help in indirect ways. Or help out in a homeless shelter. :)

  8. Become a reading teacher.  Illiteracy and poor education is tied very closely to poverty and most communities have some sort of volunteer literacy program.

  9. Give money to poor people.

  10. I like your idea, you could sign as volunteer, giving food ? you know.. .and other else.

  11. he's got a point, win the lottery

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