
How can i improve my INDIA ?

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How can i improve my INDIA ?




  1. Do ur work sincerely .

  2. thats a brilliant question!!

    you should first stop the global warming thing n then should clean up the country's dirt

  3. It is high time for all of us for introspection. If we try to point out any wrong, vested interests get triggered and instigate innocents to rebel. And a never ending arguments/counter arguments start.

    For our inner self, we know what we are doing and what we should or should not be doing. For this nor evidences are required neither any convincing is essential. Let us be committed for the national growth, whether we apparently gain anything personally or not - though ultimately it is going to be everyone's gain. In what ever small way we can contribute positively and regularly, we must do. Awareness for our responsibilities and rights as well, legitimate means to secure our goals - no matter even if battle is long drawn, our commitment to make our elected representatives accountable for their (mis)deeds and take them to task - what ever smallest way we can; attend to our work dedicatedly, honestly and dutifully could be small but effective result oriented solutions to help the common man and in turn the masses. This itself can make us AUR KAMYAAB.

    Someone has pointed out Bhagvadgeeta, yes, the honest Karma blended with our awareness is going to be the long term effective tool.

    India needs strong governments to steer the country on a reform and development path. We cannot do with a Government (such as current Manmohan Singh government at the center) that keeps bowing to unreasonable demands of a regional party (CPI-M). Its another matter whether the demands of left are reasonable or not but the critical issue here is how can a small regional party with a few MPs keep the government hostage to its constant demands.

    There are several examples of governmant retracting from its publicly announced policies (I am assuming these were well thought out as they were announced by responsible Ministers of the Government) on several occasions. Recent example is reduction in food subsidy.

    There are two big problems with our current parliamentary forms of democracy:

    1. Majority of the time Chief Executive of the Country or a State spend on ensuring that they remain on the position. Only in their spare time they worry about the nation or state problems and development.

    2. Small group of MPs or MLAs are able to weild undue influence on the functioning of the government and its policies as is the case with CPI-M and central government.

    Situation is no different in States, even where a single party has sufficient majority. Example or Madhya Pradesh is not very old. Dharam Singh government is on the brink of collapse.

    The problem arises from the ability of the MPs/MLAs to withdraw support to the Prime Minister or Chief Minister at any point of time during their tenure without any problem. Though in a democracy, it is a highly desirable liberty granted to our elected representative, it has been misused so often that Rajiv Gandhi government thought of enacting anti-defection law. Even this has not worked and the time has come when we need to review the basic strcture of our parliamentary democracy.

    There have been many suggestions. I personally advocate American form of democracy with some amendments to suit Indian needs. The logic, Indians should be able to elect their Prime Minister directly. If I want to choose Narayan Murthi as the Prime Minister (and off course he must be interested in being one) I should be able to vote for him. Last parliamentary election, even a few day before the swearing in ceremony of the new government, citizens of this country didnot know as to whom they have voted as next Prime Minister. This playing blind  is not good for the country.

    My solution is as follows:

    1. Chief Executive of the Country and States (call him Prime Minister or President or Chancellor, doesnot matter) should be elected directly by the public. No person should be announced elected unless he or she gets at least 50% of the polled votes and at least 25% of the total electorate.

    2. Current form of Parliament (Loksabha & Rajya Sabha) can continue but will be able to dislodge a directly elected CEO only by a privilege motion requiring at least 2/3rd votes of the total sitting members.

    3. Any removal of CEO should result in fresh election for the CEO.

    4. CEO should be free to choose his or her cabinet members but necessarily from the members of the Parliament.

    5. Most of the current laws and rules about Parliament's approval for major policy decisions and legislative changes could follow.

    The objective here is to save the CEO from the government shackles and continuous intereference of politicians whose only objective is to garner votes.

  4. In India everyone has his India and striving to improve it unconcerned about the other fellow's India and how he is developing it (sic.). This type of patriotism is harmful to everyone around. It is otherwise called politics. We must know that there is one India that belongs to all and agree to do something to improve it in concert with all others. Or else the others will move in to do that job. The consequences of that are found by proper interpretation of History. Here again there shouldn't be as many interpretations as there are people.

    'Mera Bharat mahan' is bad. 'Hamara Bharat mahan' is good.

  5. If I improve myself and you improve your self, India will improve for our self.

  6. ♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥

    tell the ppl 2 stop littering.... i went 2 India n i saw ppl do tht....

    i hated it.....


  7. U can Pinku! stop ppl who throw rubbish on road!.....I do that!! whenever my any frend or schoolmate do that I stop them from doing so.......In the begining whenever I used to say that everyone thought....chodo naa yaar but now! u know what many ppl have stopped that!!.....honestly!....try that! atleast u can contribute a lil in improving the condition for our country!


  8. Improve yourself, your neighbourhood and family members. If every indian do like this, INDIA will be the best....

  9. Reframe your question

    How can 'WE' improve ' OUR ' India ?

    I think i answered your question , the day when we think about the entire society and the day when we stop using the word 'I' and  'ME '.... ... we can improve our India .

    Jai Hind

  10. Do your duties sincerely and let others do their duties sincerely...

  11. Just suppose that india is your flat and you are a housewife living in that flat!!!

  12. by improving yourself every day and also others

  13. Do NEthing but don't join Politics.

  14. this question doesnt have a perfect answer but there is only one way INDIA can improve itself tht is if they have the brains to ask question like this..........improvement urself india will rise up....this is wht we all need to understand we say na CHARITY BEGINS FROM HOME.....same is this charity is to b replaced by digntiy, self respect, education, cleanliness.......thus only if public (100 crores) wnts to improve thn our INDIA can change...........!!!!!!!!

  15. remove power-hungry and corrupt politicians...

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