
How can i improve my circulation?

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My whole family suffers from poor circulation and its always the worst in are legs. When i stand up for a while my legs turn a weird purple red blotchy color. My mother also has really bad spider veins in her legs and she said i will most likely get them when i am older due to poor circulation. How can i stop this?




  1. There is nothing that you can do directly to stop the spider veins, but the two most effective things are getting regular exercise - enough to keep you leg muscles toned, and keeping your cardiovascular system healthy by managing fats and cholesterol.  

  2. You can do several thing to help prevent it, but some of it is hereditary.

    Workout, do leg exercises, don't be sedentary.

    Loose weight if you are overweight.

    If you stand for long periods of time you need to wear TED hose. They are super tight hose that you can find at a medical store or a uniform store. Some go up to your knees, thighs or are just like pantyhose.  The reason these are so important is they help your veins and your circulatory system.

    Stay away from excessive sugar and fat. This will help the blood flow.

    Make sure you go for your annual check ups to ensure you are not borderline diabetic or have an blood pressure problems.

    These are all basic and simple answers but hope it gets the point across!

  3. The best way to improve your circulation is to exercise.  I have bad circulation too, to the point that my hands will freeze even in the summer, but getting up and moving around truly does get your blood flowing.

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