
How can i look hotter?

by  |  earlier

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Im talking makeup and hair colour etc.. I need a new look, i have no makeup on in this pic:




  1. ur pretty just wear makeup then ur done

  2. Just make-up you look good all ready.

  3. you're very pretty. you really don't need a lot of makeup. maybe just a little foundation and lip gloss

  4. u look pretty....

  5. Heii,

    you could be pretty if you had confidence!! it

    truly is the key!! I know i sound like an old lady

    (i'm 13) but seriously, it's true!! Be yourself, it's the

    best lesson in life!! I would however suggest you try a

    good facial cleanser & some eyeliner. You could experiment

    with some different types/styles of make up but i suggest natural for

    the daytime & smoky & mysterious for night time & parties!! HOT!

    X kath ♥  

  6. i think that ur pretty already.. the combo of dark hair and light eyes looks pretty.. lol.. you should invest in some good foundation.. and for makeup? uhmm.. i think mascara and eyeliner would really bring out ur blue eyes.. it would look pretty on you.. you should try out DiorShow mascara or Helena Rubinstein's Lash Queen.. but if u want something cheaper then get Maybelline's Lash Stylist.. it works really well.. i think dark eyes and bare face would be a good look for you.. try it out! hope i helped. x

  7. you should try curling your hair I think it would go

    really well on you and just put on some make up :D

  8. Wash your hair, get plastic surgery, lots of makeup, etc.

  9. If you don't like how you look

    have a little make-over.

    doesn't have to be big!

    maybe a new hairstyle?

    new colour?

    new make-up?

    different way you use your make-up

    any of this and just to let any girl know out there you DON'T LOOK LIKE THE GIRLS IN THE MAGAZINES!

    were beautiful in our own way!

    hope i helped :D


  10. wash your hair

    straighten your hair

    highlight your hair

    get your hair cut

    wear foundation

    and eyeliner

    and mascara

    and lipgloss

    and cute clothes

  11. you don't need a major makeover. You're pretty. You look a little like Liv Tyler. A little muted pink lip gloss and peach blush is enough.
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