
How can i make it bigger?Doctor!?

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My b***s?how?

Im 13 NO plactic surgey and stupied stuff..

Like a way

Doctors u ask this.




  1. Live another 10 years.

    Seriously, you're so young.  You'll grow.  There's really nothing you can do to make them bigger, besides wear a bra that makes them look bigger, but you'll grow until you're 25.

  2. birth control

  3. Get fat.

  4. Unfortunately, you cannot make your b***s any bigger. The size of your b***s is all determined by your genetics, basically.

    Those miracle creams and devices you see on TV don't really work. Companies sell them to make profit and it's really unfair to the people who buy them. The only thing that work is hormone pills you can get from your family physician. Next time you go to the doctor, ask if it's right for you. Then if it is, then ask for a prescription for it. DON'T SNEAK IT! I'm 13 and I'm a 34B and I already tried that sneeky stuff. From girl to girl, DON'T SNEAK IT! There was something I was allergic to in them and I didn't even know. Biggest mistake of my life! My mom was mad as h**l!

    To make your b***s temporarily bigger, you can press on them very hard and push your bra up. They make my 34B's look a little bigger. I don't know if it will work on you, though. Just something I do for fun to make mines temporarily big.

  5. Just BELIEVE in yourself.

    If you BELIEVE in yourself, anything can happen!

  6. Sorry but you just have to wait for these things to happen and just remember that it will in time

  7. Oh my gosh quit worring about your stupid t/i/t/s!!

    Get yourself an education instead, learn how to spell and make sense!

  8. massage them everyday?

  9. are you kidding? you're 13!

  10. the bad thing about this site is stupid people tend to answer...

    there are a few things that determine your breast size




    and muscles

    cant change the genetics, your b*****s will most likely be around the same size as your mother, and grandmothers

    weight, gain weight and some will go into your b*****s, if your too skinny it can impact your b*****s

    hormones, certain times a month can impact size

    birth control doesnt have enough hormones to effect breast size

    muscles, there are muscles under your b*****s that can be beefed up. swimming, tennis, volleyball are all great ways to improve this.

  11. Just please give it time, your only 13 you have alot of growning, and big b***s are not hot!

  12. me2. blahh.

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