
How can i make some money?

by  |  earlier

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job in the usa




  1. you could donate plasma if your 18 until you find a job.

  2. waiter/waitress

  3. hello

    Do you have $150 ...?  would you like to grow with the next

    "Yourtube" Did you no yourtube sold out for $1.65 billion !

    I can say i test lots of businesses on the internet. Please

    don't signup for those freebies its a waist of time. Yes i

    have done all the hard work for everyone, and yes I have

    talked to the CEO, Yes i have talked to members by phone.

    NOT ONE COMPLAINT"  thats rare these days cause there

    are sharks out there !!! OK, this is not one of those programs

    that will promise and promise and leave the next week and go

    on vacation !

    This will follow the same concept as yourtube but with a different twist. The ceo will do it better !  Yourtube pays

    its employees from its advertisings and also by "revenue

    sharing" Revenue sharing is every member working together

    advertising and also the CEO of the website advertises also

    to millions and at the end of the month or sooner when the

    profits come in / the money is shared with every employee

    or member / but if you don't like advertising yourself , you

    must get the pro-level for $150 / even at singup when you see

    this is a advertising package / no matter if you bring in not a

    single member YOU WILL STILL GET PAID"  The pro-level

    places 3/pods soon as you join guaranteed and those 3/pods

    or members will work for you and when they keep getting

    members you keep getting revenue sharing profits no matter

    what you do/ even if you are lazy , just sit back collect checks

    as I have done. Now i am not lazy but i am to busy sometimes

    to advertise but after my 1st month of signup , I had a deposite of $1600/ from all the work from other members !

    Now i am convinced , so I will tell a few family and friends now. Just amagine if you join and you have family members

    and friends looking for a good job with a company to be the

    next "yourtube" and you bring them in / you all make money!

    Some members brought in family friends cousins and emailed me to have made over $10,000 first month. And this

    will be non-stop revenue sharing money.

    Ok, don't want to sound like a bragger but saturday got another email saying go to  your back office to view your

    "revenue sharing" and YES !!! another check. i thought i was

    dreaming !! Go and look this over and if you need any help

    my email in on my site.

    enjoy to all who reads

    jerry w

  4. How about an online job? check out this site :

    Gd Luck!

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