
How can i prevent getting hungover?

by Guest65785  |  earlier

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I will probably drink alot tonight (10-15 shots). How can I drink this much without feeling like I want to die tomorrow (which happened last time I drank this much).




  1. Drink heaps of water before you go to bed and have a joint and a big fed of bacon and eggs when you get up have fun just don't kill you liver.

  2. don't drink but advil is good too

  3. In addition to drinking lots of water, make sure you have a substantial meal before you go out. After you are done drinking, again eat a high-protein, high-fat meal, then take two aspirins with a glass of water before you go to bed.

  4. ummmmmmm......don't get wasted?

  5. don't drink!  There is nothing can prevent a hangover and nothing that prevent you from being drunk.  

    There are a number of factors that play a part in whether or not you will get a hangover after a night of drinking. Many of the causes are obvious and most of us know what our own limitations are. It goes without saying that the one true way to avoid a hangover is to avoid or severely limit the amount alcohol you consume.

        * The ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages has a dehydrating effect which causes headaches, dry mouth and tiredness. This effect can be lessened by drinking plenty of water before and throughout your night of drinking.

        * Your liver breaks ethanol down with the aid of enzymes produced by liver cells. These chemical reactions do many things including impairing the liver’s ability to supply glucose to tissues, in particular to the brain. Glucose is responsible for the brain’s energy and the lack thereof results in fatigue, weakness, moodiness and decreased attention.

        * Congeners are the by-products of the process of alcohol fermentation and exaggerate the symptoms of a hangover. The more congeners consumed, the worse a hangover is likely to be. Dark spirits such as brandy, whiskey and red wine contain more congeners than lighter spirits like vodka and white wine. Likewise cheaper spirits have had fewer of these impurities removed and are more likely to cause a hangover.

        * Some people believe the sugar in sweeter cocktails contribute to the severity of hangovers.

        * Smokers and even some non-smokers tend to smoke more when they are drinking and this can lead to nicotine poisoning which will also worsen hangovers.

        * Some people are genetically lucky when it comes to hangovers and rarely, if ever, suffer the effects.

        * Weight is a factor. The less one weighs the more that person will feel the effects and after effects of alcohol.

        * The older you are the more likely you are to have a severe hangover. This is usually not a factor because we tend to take it a little easier as we learn from the mistakes of the past. But you have been warned.

        * There is something to be said about psychosomatic effects. If you think you will get a hangover, you probably will get one. Look on the bright side and save yourself.

        * Finally, the more you drink or the more you guzzle in a short time span, the worse your hangover will be.

  6. Eat a bunch of carbs all day, like potatoes, bread,rice,etc. It will also help to munch on something while drinking. Also drinking non alcohol drinks every so often will help keep you hydrated. I always liked to go and eat breakfast after I am finished a big night of drinking, it seems to help the hang over the next morning. Just try not to over do it with the alcohol.

  7. Try to not drink so much....dying of liver failure is a crappy way to go.

  8. line your stomach with bread or saltines. I have heard that will soak up the alcohol.

  9. drink lots of water and gatorade to help you get the electrolytes back into your system.  Take two tylenol in the morning then go back to bed.  the only way not to be hung over is to not drink, but that solution is NO fun.

  10. dont drink that much. its really all you can do. plus, drinking in excess is so stupid.

  11. Before you go to bed drink at least one full glass of water, and try to eat a piece of bread or a few crackers.  If you wake up throughout the night drink water and use the restroom.  Make sure you eat before you drink, too, and take some aspirin beforehand.  Good luck!

  12. Dont shoot them all within an hour.. Have time in between each shot.. And drink something non alcoholic in between.

    But yeah, if you really dont want a hangover. Drink earlier in the night, so that your body has time to recover before going to bed. Or drink a big glass of juice before going to bed. because alcohol takes out sugar, and water.. and makes you dehydrated which causes the hang over.

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