
How can i relieve my sadness?

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its about my hamster that died




  1. Aww.  I am so sorry.  It is hard to lose a pet.  Any pet.  Hamsters are so sweet.  I just love mine to pieces and I know that I will feel sad when she dies.  The hard thing about having a hamster is that they only live three years.  Just remember  how happy your hamster made you and how happy you made your hamster.  In time you may want to get another hamster.  It won't be a replacement because you can't replace the one you lost.  It will be an addition.

  2. Losing a pet is always hard.  I know I always broke down in tears, but I felt better when I made them a custom coffin.  I wrapped up a tissue box in some plain white paper and wrote all sorts of nice things down that I remembered while having him.  Then I would always write, "Mommy loves you and I'll miss you forever"  but I always broke down in tears again right there..

    Getting another hamster may or may not help.  It may take your mind off of things, but if you're not ready, you could end up just ignoring the new hamster until you get over your dearly beloved.  

    To get over him, think positively.  He was a good hamster, right?  Why else would you be sad over him if he weren't?  Think about all the good things.  If you're religious, tell yourself you'll see him again someday.  

    Also, think about it this way.  If he died in his sleep, it could have been worse.  At least he left in a nice way rather than dying from something worse and painful.  If he had gotten any older or died any other way, I'm sure it would have been worse.

    Spend some time being sad.  I know you don't want to be, but go up in your room and cry for awhile..  Some times it just feels good getting out your feelings.  Look over his departed things and tell yourself things will be okay.

    I wish you luck, I know it's always sad.  When I think about getting pets, I always hate to think about the day they'll leave me, but it's worth giving them a good life, even if I have to be sad for awhile after they pass on.

  3. I know it must be difficult for you right now, but I would suggest you just remember all of the good things about your hamster and maybe if you feel like you can consider getting a new pet not necessarily another hamster but maybe a different kind of small animal.  I would suggest a rat, they're very affectionate and intelligent.  Hope this helps!

  4. Remember that your baby went to a good place.

    If you buried her, put some flowers over her grave and just try to keep your mind off of it.

    :( Good luck to you. Sorry for your ham-ham

  5. I know it`s both heart breaking and sad, when you loose your pet, but sometimes life brings you what you least expect - the death of a loved one.

    For the first few days it can be the worst days of your life, but just think positive and never of course blame it on yourself for not saving her. Just think you gave her a good life and I am sure she is going to a nice place, in animal heaven (if you believe in that).

    You will start to forget about it and begin to return to your normal self and if you are ever sad, express your feelings to someone or take a nice bubbly bath or even a walk down the road. If you want get another hamster and then you will begin to be happy again and appreciate you have a new friend.

    I`m terribly sorry about your hamster, just think positive, keep your head held high and be happy!

  6. Awww..I'm sorry for your loss. My guinea pig has just passed away too. I'm still sad and I miss her. It takes time. But I'm sure time will heal. Take care.

  7. suck it up and get tougher

  8. get some ganja man

  9. Awwww. Its okay. My hamster, Puffy died and it was really hard for me. Your hamster is not suffering and will be with you forever, in your heart. Think of the positives and make a tribute. Buy another hamster so that you wont feel alone. It happens and is a part of life. I know how hard it is but we all have to stick together. Now I have two panda hamsters and puffy is now watching over them. Hope this helps!!

  10. You have to face lose head on.  The only other thing to do is distract yourself with something else, but eventually you'll have to come to terms with it.  Sooner you face it, sooner the pain will diminish.

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