
How can i sleep!???!?!??!?

by  |  earlier

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ok well right when i lay down in bed i always get a song i LITERALLY HATE!!! and i play the corus or sumthing over and over and i cant stop, its mostely country b/c my parent luv it i h8 it. anyway i want to sleep for a good 7-8 hrs when school starts and not 3-4hrs.

please explain why i do this.

i also had askull fracture but nothing sowned up on the MRI, CT scan so no brain injurys in anyway and this has been goin on for about 2 weeks




  1. Well maybe you could make a little CD with all the songs you do like and the ones you find relaxing, maybe ones with no words. Then put it on a very quietly when you go to sleep. Then close your eyes and relax.

  2. Stay in the sunlight in the daytime, you'll get lots of melatonin the natural way!

    If you stay in the sun in the day, you'll feel tired at or in the dark.

  3. take 3 milligrams of melatonin 30 minutes before bed. it is natural, has not side affects. You can buy it at WalMart. Make sure to get 3 MG, NOT 3 MCG.

  4. you can count or read that hlps me

    i hope i help

  5. drink some whisky before you go to bed.  

  6. Probably a body reaction...youll be aight in a month

  7. that happens to me, too.

    to get your mind off the song, instead watch some tv. usually that puts me right to sleep.

  8. Mmmm.. Maybe ur just a bit stressed out?

    You should find some time to do some things to relax..

    Or give urself a good workout so you'll be tired when u sleep?

    mmm Just a thought..

  9. U can't sleep with your eyes open. Close your eyes n try. good Luck:)

  10. come on dont recommend whisky this kid is still obviosly in school.  dont worry hun you are probally stressed out just try to relax  put on so music you like real soft on you ipod and fall asleep to it  

  11. just relax and quit watching tv and listening to music at LEAST two hours before bedtime.  If you stimulate your brain, it will not get tired.

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