
How can i stop crying?!

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i'm cryig so hard it hurts, i don't know how to stop worrying so much and thinking about upseting stuff and stressing about what is happening in the future.




  1. Weed.

  2. yeah... i'm so worried to but we've got till here the 21st century... who would of thought.. they said we were suppose to all die in 2001... LIARS. We make our own destiny, we don't need ppl to tell us what will happen. If you wanna you'll live if you wanna die you'll die. And if you're worried about dying tomorrow, make today a great day. I know this might sound lame but you need a hug... but not by any person... by the person you'll wan't to spend the rest of your days with. Anyways we've been threw worste and then great and then h**l and then heaven. You see it's all a big rollercoaster... and it will never end so... instead of ruining your life... start living it!!!

  3. Ok, let's start with:  The future hasn't happened yet. Why are you worrying about what hasn't even happened?

    Worrying just wastes time. It doesn't prevent or repair a thing. Unless there is something that has happened to worry about, then you are really wasting your time.  

    When you catch yourself thinking about the future, why does it look so bad, for you? The future brings change, each and every day is a new day. Unless something happens bad, why think about bad things?

    I've learned if you think bad things, bad things will happen. Sooooooo if you think good things... you've got it... good things are bound to happen. Not necessarily exactly what you dream of, but, why not?

    If you find yourself thinking bad things, get your mind out of there, and do something you like to do. Whether it's reading, playing music, calling and chatting with friends, creating stuff on the computer, dancing.... you have the power and don't even seem to know it.

    Each day is a new day. You CAN repeat the good ones!

  4. just relax, listen to bob marley "don't worry....about a thing....'cause every little thing is gonna be alright." listen to some of his work and you should be fine

  5. Have you asked yourself....why are you crying in the first place? Is is a series of events? Is it cause you don't know what else to do? Is is because you want someone to pay attention to you? I can tell from my own experience that sometimes a good cry is good. It releases stress hormones and promotes the body into sleeping. Something that is really needed at times. I have had a pretty rough life...from abuse and neglect to liers and cheaters....from the time I was born till about a year ago. I have had my share of crying so hard and banging my head against the wall. This is what I know....even in times when you don't think there is an will come. Worrying (which is something I still do, just a lot less) is a killer. You have to know what you have control over and what you don't. Worrying about things you don't have control just wasted time. Facing the things you have choices on...well the hardest part to that is...making the decision. Once that is just have to follow through. You did not really say what has brought you to tears...remember...whatever it is your fact many have gone or are going through what you are.....your never alone in that. If you don't believe something or look at other questions on this site.

  6. First of all, figure out why you're crying. Think out your problem, then talk about it with someone who you can trust, like a parent. The older they are, the wiser they are, and the better advice you'll get.

    Once you've figured things out, the tears will eventually cease.

  7. Is it that time of the month? Maybe just find

    someone to talk to. Go to a priest or pastor,

    or school counselor. Or even a friend. Just

    talk to someone about what's bothering you.

    And also realize that excessive crying isn't

    good. I mean you can't solve the world's

    problems. And crying about it isn't going to

    help either. Find some things to be happy

    about and write them down. Keep a gratitude

    journal. Each day write down 3 things you are

    thankful for. Try to come up with different

    things each day. And it could be something

    that happened that day.

  8. I know what you are talking about. It comes down to the bottom

    line of surrounding yourself with positive energy and surroundings.

    Your are not doing enough in your life to make You happy.

    What does make you happy?

    To take the mind off watch tv or A better choice (one i strongly

    suggests) is to read a book. I know it can be hard to start but

    once you start reading books you learn to love and enjoy them.

    They better yourself and learn so much more and enhance your

    intelligence and vocabulary : ) Good luck i know you can achieve

    joy and happiness

  9. It might be hard, but the best thing to do when you really can't stop crying is to just get up and do something that will keep you busy.  Don't do something passive like watching TV or reading--it'll only leave you time to dwell on whatever is making you upset.  Do something that will really occupy you, like cleaning out and rearranging furniture in a room, making something if you're good at any kind of craft, or writing fiction--NOT writing anything related to your issues right now.  If you have any friends you can call right now, you can do that, too, and just tell them you're looking to chat for a while to keep your mind off things.

    Those are all things that you can do to feel better and keep from crying right now, but eventually if you are still being bothered by these feelings, you should really look into getting some counseling to deal with the issues that are making you so upset.  It isn't worth it to be worried and crying all the time.

    Feel better!

  10. Poppet, you sound very young,lets hope you are,

    because then we can put all your Tears down to good old hormones.

    If on the other hand you are past your teens,then you need to talk to someone and explain exactly how you feel.

    None of us have Guaranteed Futures and if we all constantly thought about this,we would probably all sit crying with you.

    No amount of worrying about our Future is going to change the way things are.

    You must try to think of how lucky you are,the things you have and The people who Love you.

    Concentrate on Helping others less fortunate than your self. There is Great Feelings of Satisfaction when you know you have made another Happy.

    Treasure Each Day as it comes Poppet, Enjoy the Riches of Life.     For Many,we will never get this chance.

  11. anti depressants

  12. tell your self the truth, that crying isnt going to help you at all. probably makes you feel better for a bit, but your problems are still there, so you have to deal with them..

  13. try talking everything out to ur parents, a close friend. to stop crying is hard and i know what its like to feel like u are right now. just relax, take it easy and take deep breaths in and out until you calm. keep in mind live life day to day and don't stress about the "what ifs". could also be a symptom of pms and if it gets worse call the doctor.

  14. FOOD. and good music.

    the future?

    pshh, don't worry about that.

    jus' live life as it comes.

  15. dont listen to the first answer drugs are stupid they dont help

  16. push gum into your tear ducts, that should do the trick!!

  17. Find the source of why your crying and try to deal with it

  18. I completely understand what you're going through. Idk what your feeling exactly but i've really been worried about my future and stressing over what i'm going to do with my life. The only thing that brings me peace is praying to times it's hard when you're feeling so much, but he is the God of peace. Read philipians 4:4-9 and 4:13..."I can do everything through him who gives me strength." just don't lose faith and remember that you will overcome whatever you're worried about!  

  19. i worry about my future as well but, i think to myself all the time"It's my future i decide where i wanto to go in this world, what i wanna do, and how im going to do it." and it makes sense. And if that doesn't work think about some achievements and goals you wish to get yourself to and always think positive.

  20. Crying isn't going to make your problems go away. The future didn't happen yet. You create the future and based on your crying your future will be a sad one. Don't allow yourself to be swept up into sadness. Find something to do with yourself like read a book or play a game. God knows what you're going through you don't have to explain.

  21. think about happy times. or use steroids. but thats illegal so don't do that

  22. Is there someone at school you can talk to?  I don't know how old you are, but you should talk to someone there if you can.  It's confidential.

    You could also schedule an appointment with your regular doctor and ask him or her if they know anyone you could talk to.  Again, confidential.

    Good luck!

  23. ummm you got to be around someone who makes you not think about problems but make you feel like nothing matters anymore. Then deal with what is coming one day at a time. and if you need someone to talk to just like me know.

  24. Find something to distract you from whatever is so upsetting. You need to find support in close family and friends. Talk about that some...but also try to notice what's going on in other ppl's lives to steer your thoughts a little. Good luck.  

  25. You just have to do what is the best thing to do.

  26. I feel like that at times myself. You just need to take some deep breaths and relax. Think about things that make you happy whether it be your friends, family, your pet, ANYTHING. Try playing some music that puts you in a good mood.

    I struggle with anxiety myself and try my best to have control of what my future holds for me... I'm slowly coming to a conclusion that anything can happened and sadly, nothing is guaranteed in this lifetime.

    Be thankful for who you have in your life and what you have as resources whenever times get tough. I usually like to take naps usually because I wear myself out after stressing/crying so hard.

    Remember everybody goes through hard times and I know it can be scary not knowing what your life is going to be like ten years from now, but today is just another step closing to making it what you want it to be as long as you take action. Start with some small goals then keep adding another one to your list once a goal is completed.

    Good luck and please feel better!

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