
How can i stop feeling tired?

by  |  earlier

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i feel worn out all the time why.i sleep really well in the day why not at night?all i do is chain smoke.




  1. you gotta stop chain smoking ! look who's talking (im smoking cz i broke up with my bf)

    no really you seem to be under alot of stress ,,,

    take it easy kathy

    try some excersise,yoga, walking around the block or lighting candles and hey get a massage ! sleep afterwards and you are good as new ;0)

    hope that works sweets~

  2. Stop smoking if you want to improve youe your health

  3. First of all think positively.

    I feel there is some tension about something  in your mind. You have some fear of losing something, may be money or relationship. Just check with whom your relation is tensed or spoilt.

    If that is relationship call that person and clarify all your problems with him/her. Set right your relationship with that person.

    Automatically all of your problems will end and then you will not feel tired rather you will feel energetic.

    Remember Life is Relationship and without Relationship there is No Life. So, set right your relationships.

  4. You are poisoning your body are what you eat...

    is reason you tired.

  5. nicotine is a known stimulant along with coffee. They are both bad for nerves. I had to stop both because of my nerves and anxiety. You can buy a remedie called " From Fatigued To Fantastic" I heard it works pretty good it has a very high b vitamin content in it. That will give you energy in the day time. I actually take multi vitamin made by a brand called NOW it is an orange label. 6 months supply for $27.00 Just make sure you have a 100% of all of your B's in there. To sleep at night try L-Tryptophan it works well. Good luck

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