
How can one become dictator?

by Guest32661  |  earlier

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Do you think it is still possible in the western world (Europe&America) to still be a dictator? Or do you think it is still possible in the rest of the world? If yes, how do you think it can be done?




  1. Is that you again Hillary? I told you FORGET IT!

  2. It's easy.

    1 - Convince the public that things are terrible and they have no hope.

    2 - Convince the public that you can offer them hope.

    3 - Get them to follow you blindly without asking questions.

    4 -  Make sure any negative reference to you is considered blasphemy. (For example, any time someone says something negative you call it racism and label the outspoken one as a racist.)


  3. Well, for starters, you could address a cheering crowd in Berlin while they chant your name. Has happened 2 times in the last 100 years. once for Hitler, once for Obama.

  4. It's possible especially if people stop questioning what their politicians are doing and if there are fascist policies in place. If you want to find out how to obtain power just follow the 48 Laws of Power posted here:

    How many can you attribute to Bush and Cheney?

  5. Just kill your opposition before they get a chance to bring you to trial.

    Hey, didn't the Clintons already do that?


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