
How can one thnk positively?

by Guest59547  |  earlier

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Everyone has repeatedly said that one must have a positive outlook. But what do you do with a person who is always negative? The imaginative mind of that person always conceives negative thoghts. How do you change that?





  1. Hi there, a good question, a bit of a big answer though, I have a website that deals with this in great detail, it might be of use to you.  if not there are some links that might help.

    Good luck

  2. think always good and do good. that's enough

  3. I don't know that you can.  My mother, who will be 89 in November, has been a negative thinker all her life.  Granted she had traumas in her childhood that caused this.

    The other people I know who are negative also had problems in their formative years.  Unless they want to change and work at changing, I don't think there is anything an outsider can do.

    It's frustrating and difficult at times to have to listen to their negative views, but I've been told that those of us who think positively are immature and don't understand all the issues.  I've been called Pollyanna more times than I can count.

  4. well you start to "look on the brite side of things" for example, dont let the little things get to you. if someone dishes out an insult at your expense say something that will throw them off guard like  "thank you" it will confuse them. and "on the brite side" if they have to insult you, then they must have some serious problems of their own that they have to take it out on you. see? you leave knowing you have a better outlook than said person. understand. now go out, and apply it to everything tht happens today. you step in gum? eh, new shoes lol

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