
How can poverty affects education?

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How can poverty affects education?




  1. the above answers are right but the young person has to make the best of what he/she has and don't give in the reason for live is to provide better for your young so work hard and maybe one day your children will get that better education but a child will learn to there capability's and if they are good no matter where they come from they will do well Dave

  2. Poverty has a damaging effect on education. It is very obvious that those who are in higher socio economic brackets get the best access to education. Those students also have educated parents who know how to navigate educational systems at every level. I work as a teacher in the South Bronx and I see this first hand on a daily basis. I have parents who don't show up for conferences- some I've never even met. These parents mostly had their children very young and lack education. I have never had a parent really involve themselves or question my teaching practice- like I imagine is the case in wealthier areas.

    Poverty also adversely affects special needs populations. Students with disabilities in affluent settings receive better materials and resources- mainly because they have parents who are well informed and know how to advocate for them in during the IEP process and other educational situations. There are many affluent people with disabilities who attend and graduate from college ( they are still able to receive modifications at that level)

    From working with double and triple minorities ( urban, special education and bilingual (Spanish), I see first hand how children can flourish when given the right amount of encouragement and structure. I have a few students who can outperform some of their peers in regular classes.

  3. Poverty impacts federal and state funding formulas for school districts. The lack of funding impacts the quality and quantity of resources available to students. Rich and affluent areas have so much money that they spend money on things that they don't need, while poor school districts can barely make payroll. This has a significant impact on the students served in the district.

  4. 1.  physical

    A poor diet affects both physical and cognitive development.  Additionally, sick children miss school more often.  Every day that is missed is one step backwards educationally.

    2. mental

    Children of poor parents enter school with a vocabulary half the size of one coming from an educated family.  Also, they lack basic pre-educational skills like organization, classification, small motor skills, etc.

    3.  social

    Go to a couple of  supermarkets in a middle class and a lower income neighborhood and take notes on how the parents speak to and treat their children.  It is no big shocker  why some kids get in trouble more often in class. (which often leads to them being kicked out of class or shutting down internally in the room)  Teachers are from middle class, educated backgrounds.  They aren't going to tolerate certain behavior (that might be acceptable in other places).

    Another social aspect is the expectations of their parents, peers, and community.  I believe every parent wants their kids to succeed. They just may have a different definition (from general society) of how to do it.

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