
How can rich countries help poor contries?

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How can rich countries help poor contries?




  1. by imparting technical know how. teach them how to fish so that they could learn to catch them for a lifetime.

  2. By sharing technical knowledge of how to provide the basics, food, clothing, shelter, medical and education.  

    And also another way to help the poor countries is for rich countries to stop meddling in the internal problems of these countries and stop pillaging these countires of their natural resources and instigating internal strife.  

    The African continent comes to mind.  

    After hundreds of years of colonial rule by various European countries who instigated conflict between the locals, they left after raping the land leaving discourse and instability.  

    The US isn't innocent they did business with South Africa during the Apartheid years as well as indifference to the plight of people in Rwanda and other parts of Africa.

    So if all rich countries would take a different tack, all could be helped.        

  3. pour in capitals and investments into the country.

    single donations of money almost never work, there is an old saying.

    give the hungry man a fish and he'll be full for 1 day, but give him a fishing boat, and he can be full the rest of his life.

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