
How can spirits know the future?

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Mediums and psychics can give you messages from "the other side" about your future - I saw one when I was trying to get pregnant who told me not to worry because a baby would be on its way soon. I was pregnant with my son 4 weeks later!

But how can the spirits know what is going to happen before it is happened? The future is not set, surely?




  1. They do not know the future - it is for the gullible.

  2. They can't. The medium uses techniques of hot and cold reading, Barnum statements and guesswork  - counting on you to remember the hits and forget the misses.

    Either you were going to get pregnant eventually or you weren't, so she had a 50/50 chance of getting that right. If you gave any hints that you were trying to conceive, then the odds were even better!

  3. drinking enough spirit can help any one know anything.

  4. maybe

  5. Mediums and psychics are FAKES who prey on vulnerable, bereaved people. Do you not think that if they could predict the future that they would have had a sneak preview of next week's lottery numbers and made themselves a fortune so they would not need to fleece desperate people who think they will be able to contact their loved ones?

  6. The spirit has visited the future.  Remember "The Ghost of Christmas Future" from "A Christmas Carol"?

    Edit:  Not all psychic are fakes.  Usually the ones asking for large sums of money to remove curses are, though.

  7. They don't

    It's called "cold reading"

    Search for a cold reading script on the Internet, that's how these people do it.

  8. In the spirit world we have access to all knowledge. Our loved ones know what we have coming up for us. We have agreed the important things like how many children we will have, who we will marry, when we will die etc before  we come here and our loved ones have all that knowledge. There will always be people who will be rude about the work psychics and mediums do but the genuine ones couldn't care less! Karma is always in force and what you put out you receive so insults and rudeness is very soon on its way to them, what a wonderful world we live in.

  9. In many cases, it is just a lucky guess. It is more likely than not , that a healthy young couple who intend to have a baby, will so within a year. They often tell very young woman that they will not marry there current boyfriend, but will later marry another man. This again will prove true in most cases.

  10. I do believe that there are fakes out there, but i also believe in true psychics. They are usually the ones that no one knows about- not advertising their wares on TV as it were.

    My own personal belief: I believe that each soul here on earth has a general blueprint of certain things that will happen- kind of set in stone- due to the life experiences they are meant to learn this time around. There may be different roads that are taken to get there- but certain things are meant to happen. I believe that someone who is sensitive to the other side (psychic) can see that life blueprint

  11. They have special training.

  12. Oh, trust me, they can't tell the future unless the spirit already has a good precognitive ability...a psychic in its own right. They can guess, and some can guess pretty well-- but unless the spirit they're asking is a precog (rare as it is in people) they're all just guessing.

  13. They don't predict the future. They make generalisations applicable to someone of your age, gender, and socioeconomic status, then tweak them according to your body language (reactions). All psychics and their ilk are good for is entertainment.

  14. All paths lead to Rome, everyones lifes are set concrete paths. There are no choices in this world, although it may appear there are.

  15. They die go to heaven, and god tells them every thing thats ever happened and will happen, and all the secrets of the world, thats why people say you will never know,... till you die, lol

  16. l have a theory, and another theory.

    lt is said that at the moment of death, a person gains wisd0m of everything there is to know. Such a deal of knowhow could possibly have a foretell the future.

    Another theory, spirits can travel far and wide and they have gained a certain degree of omnipressence. This potentially allows the intelligent to see the flow of events, predicting the most plausible outcome of situations.

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