
How can study spoken english?

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How can study spoken english?




  1. Try to find a native speaker of English and ask that person to tape themselves in conversations with you. You will be able to hear spoken English as it is used in a conversation.

    Also, watch movies and TV in English to train your ear to hear native English. I know it sounds silly but watch programs for young children such as Sesame Street or Mister Rogers because the rate of their speech is slower.

    You can alo try getting books on tape at the local library.

    Good luck to you.

  2. Buy a nice book on how to speak english. better yet, ask for a tutor

  3. Listen to a phone-in on the radio in English or watch English TV to get a good idea of how people really speak. Get an English friend to talk to a lot and spend some time in an English-speaking country.

  4. Try British Councils online training courses, They have great English language courses.

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