
How can they move???????????????

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im moveing and i was wondering how i can move my reptiles to another house 6 hours away without killing them




  1. Just make sure you don't have anything that will tumble, make sure you carry Water, and food on hand (In a lunch pail or something) and try to keep it at the temp it needs to be at.  6 hours wont effect them to much.

  2. It would be helpful is we knew what type of reptiles you are moving.

    If it's snakes - remove everything from a larger tank and disinfect the tank.  Place each snake in a pillowcase and fold over the opening end, then wrap tightly with a piece of string and tie securely.  

    The bagged snake will be much less likely to stress.  Place all the snakes togeher in the large clean tank, and they'll travel fine for 6 hr.  Be sure they do not overheat.  I would recommend boxing them in the cab, if they are small enough.  Just make sure if you have to travel them in a moving truck, that it doesn't get too hot in there.

    This will not work for lizards or water turtles, of course.

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