
How can we explain this?

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What causes people to be sociopaths/psychos when there is no scientific cause? Can these people be evil? How can they appear to have no conscience and be so cunning at the same time? How can they be raised in good homes and still be immoral? How can some have control as of how far they go and not be caught? Their only boundry line is self sacrifice? How can this not be pure evil? I am a skeptic but science is not clear on the subject. Please help me i need to know. I used to think only love was the truth but then everything needs a balance and thinking on this subject, i start to wonder if evil is real and possibly the reason for this?!




  1. They're just crazy people with chemical imbalances in their brains.

  2. Tragic accidents can cause people to be psycho. I've also heard of people reacting strangely to colours. For example, yellow can make people angry if they have that imbalance.

  3. Well of course Evil is real!!  How could it not be?  It's as real as love, but people don't want to think about that.

  4. as we don able to study reasons for all the activities of mind n evry bodies mind act diffrently in diff conditions so there could be some reason which we will come to know in future. and evil is present defintly light is ever followed by the dark..

  5. We do have volition and mental capacity which is susceptible to numerous possible variations oi failure.

  6. you have to take a look at the "evil person" background to understand why they do the things they do.most of the time its of the childhood they had thats the #1 reason i think.lets say Paul was from a rich family,he has more than others but he likes to torture animals,its like a rush,well over time the torture of animals are getting boring,why not go for something bigger,and Paul goes off for bigger we will say omg hes a murder thats true but being Paul as a child he liked the rush from killing animals after time it became like a routine but it got boring and he needed to fill his "rush" so now he has turn from animal torture to people killer. every evil person has something to show from their childhood think bout it.and also go online read bout them from manson to son of sam,these 2 are good examples since manson was more of a leader and sam was a follower,meaning manson had a talent to get people to do evil deeds and sam just did the evil without some1 telling him really need to watch you will learn alot for all the ?s you have posted

  7. Their brains are wired as such. Remember the fact just because you percieve it as wrong doesnt mean it is. I know it sounds harsh to hear it put like that but really the only thing thay makes it wrong to the average human being is One's conscience. They are simply just not scared of killing, they have little or no remorse. In fact, most cases they get a rush or satisfaction from their actions.

  8. Scientific cause? You mean there is nothing physiologically wrong with them? Upbringing can definitely cause one personality to go very much astray. Plus our science is not at a final stage of absolute knowledge, even if currently we are not seeing any biological reasons for psychopaths that raised in truly normal, healthy, nurturing environment, it doesn't mean we won't discover something genetic or otherwise that is a cause of it in a decade or few.

  9. Well speaking of balance I kind of think the universe is in harmony all the time. When something "bad" happens something "good" also happens, but not necissarily at the exact same "time"

    I use "good" "bad" "evil" and other words loosely because to me they're all opinions.

    Next to that balance are you listening to yourself? You talk as if science knows everything? I thought as humans we know very little about our own brains. How can you trust something so incoherent? So unreliable? SCIENCE IS NOT FACT SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS ARE ALWAYS CHANGING, always rewriting itself and fixing it's past mistakes and adding new mistakes or adding new "fact"

    And last... well... I don't want to bore you with a VERY VERY VEry Long answer, let me just say this about how someone can be so evil and so cunning and such.

              "If it is, then it can be." - Don't know if this is a real quote but it is now.

    EDIT- to explain the quote further. If something has/is happening then it can happen because it is happening.

    Basically you should have reworded your question to ask "How DOES this happen" as oppose to how you asked "How can this happen" (not your exact words of course but close :)   ) It's not theorhetical it's existense what you really want to ask is how does it happen, if you ask how something can happen then it is theorhetical like it hasn't already happened, but by what your talkiing about and how you make it sound it already HAS happened, so yeah.... confusing?

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