
How can we find Madeleine?

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How can we find Madeleine?




  1. It was as simple as an answer I'd have found her myself by now, sadly I too think she's dead now.

  2. ask where the parents ditched the body

  3. I think it would be a good idea to put both Kate and Gerry under very deep hynosis and probe their minds. Then we might find the truth.

  4. I found Madeline in my shue she was hidding from the portugese guy Pedro

  5. I have every sympathy with the problem but,what does this have to do with Royalty?

  6. Don't know but why is this is Royalty?

  7. Die and go to heaven. She's there waiting patiently for her mum, the poor thing

  8. start an awareness campaign  that all child abuse s*x abuse should  be reported to the police asap.  n lock every  peodo in every country and lock them up for ever in seprerated communities where there are no children. no excuses no exceptions these people ruin childrens lives forever and shouldnt live amoung decent people. as for madaline i still pray that she will be found safe and well but i think she is dead so it is up to god to look afer the poor child now

  9. I agree with 'nuf said'

    the poor pet must be so scared if some creep is holding her hostge, i hope her parents will see the poor child soon

  10. We can't.....unfortunate but true.

    Why do you keep asking about Madeleine in the section on Royalty? Shouldn't you put it in current affairs ?

  11. Madeleine is a church in Paris. It was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, and is located just north of the Place the Concorde.

  12. We can't until her mum and dad tell the truth

  13. we will never know where she is

  14. With a shovel unfortunately.

  15. god knows where she is...but he's not telling.

    poor little thing....

  16. dont know but parents need a body before they will get any peace of mind.Its gone on far too long for them.

  17. On the night she died Madeleine was taken well out to sea and dropped over the side. She will never be found.

    My opinion.

  18. She's not royalty... ask this question in the lost and found section!

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