
How can you avoid global warming?

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How can you avoid global warming?




  1. Move to Iceland.

  2. Read about it, act and support others who act.

  3. You could go live in a cave and set traps and harvest your own fruits and vegetables.

      Change your light bulbs and drive a solar powered car.

      In spite of doing all of those things, PEOPLE CANNOT CHANGE THE TEMPERATURE OF THE PLANET!

      The temperature has been changing for 4 billion years.

      I'm pretty sure neither you or I had anything to do with it.

      Notify me when people have the power to stop earthquakes, tornadoes, and tsunamis.

      If you are too young to remember, in the 1970's they were saying an ice age was coming and there would not be enough food to eat in the year 2000.

      There was a little ice age about 400 years ago that lasted until the late 19th century.

      People did not bring about that change in temperature.

      Would you believe me if I said the end of the world is tomorrow?  Of course not.

  4. Turn off the SUN the Earth gets all of its warmth from the Sun not pollutants or geothermal heat.

  5. Move into Al Gore's twenty room mansion in Tennessee.  It is air conditioned and so big he might not notice us.


  7. Since it's a Natural Cycle our planet goes through, there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid it, if it is actually happening. I'm of the belief we hit the top of this particular upward blip in the Global Average Temperature and we are about to start seeing a decline. I figure in five to ten years we will know if my hypothesis about this recent bit of climate change is correct.

  8. Move to a planet that does not have any?

    If you mean stop it from occurring, we can increase reflectivity of the upper atmosphere. We see that effect when large numbers of volcanoes shoot enormous tonnage of reflective particles far above the clouds. This might be doable. But we have not really tried to see if it is.

    We would be a century getting CO2 concentrations low enough to  reduce our Greenhouse Effect enough to stop warming quickly. We can not say with confidence that by then water vapor may not have taken over the leading role in the Greenhouse effect. If we wait too long to get our CO2 emissions under control, we are not likely able to stop global warming solely by reducing the Greenhouse Effect.

    But cutting our fossil fuel consumption could be such a big saving to our economy that we could afford to switch to alternate energies.

    Optimistically, you might even have a bit of fossil fuel for use into future centuries.

    Aqua luna above incorrectly suggests that the ozone layer traps long wave radiation. Rather it reflects very short wave radiation, keeping it from entering the atmosphere. This is ultra-violet radiation, primarily. The layers that reflect long wave are much lower, closer to earth.

    Our best protection for the ozone layer is to stop using chlorine, be that as a water sterilization, or in manufacturing plastics. We can not stop global warming  soon enough to protect it, but we can make major reductions in its chemical destruction via chlorine.

    Methane is a problem, but farting has not increased appreciably in recent years. If there were a major buildup of methane in the atmosphere we should expect the increase (as distinct from major sources) to be natural gas, either extracted by plan, or escaping from  melting permafrost.  We do get volumes of methane from anaerobically stored manure, and from  decomposing vegetation. The decomposing vegetation has not increased much recently?

  9. The most harmfull chemicals for global warming are cabon  monoxide  and methane.  That means we should walk everywhere and stop farting.

  10. prius! i love my little silver baby. the most important thing people need to know to prevent global warming is YES YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFRENCE! i saw a comment earlier that was like "seriously guys, why do you care? there is nothing we can do about it." WRONG! turn of lights, prius, etc!!!!!!

    *** ecoleco ***

  11. YOU CANT! if it was something one person could do alone we would be all set. You can be more efficient with your energy use, eat organic foods, vote for politicians who are going to help emissions in the air....

    hey genius above me? turn off the sun? you can't be serious, yes because its the SUNS FAULT. dont you think if it was the suns fault this planet never would have lasted a billion years?

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