
How can you defeat Death?

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  1. Donkey punch him.

  2. Physical life is defeatless of death. But only, by being forfeited of death can rebirth come into its new glory.

  3. live greatly

    u will be dead but your soul and memory will be in people's hearts

  4. whatt!!! no one can defeat death we have accept as it comes.

  5. Suicide.

    You're beating him at his own game.  

  6. Science is working overtime to conquer death through the route of denying the aging process of our body and brain. I personally believe that this may be able to elongate our natural life span, but not change the inevitable fact of ultimate death.

    If death is inevitable, obviously the answer to defeat death lies in building up psychological and spiritual immunity towards it. In other words, defeating death implies defeating the fear and apprehension it gives rise to. I believe that the most effective route to achieve this is to overcome our desires and ambitions, which is of course more easily said than done. For a down to earth man, however, being fully busy with life so as to leave no time to think about death, can be a good enough formula to defeat death.

  7. no one can live forever.Even Jesus died .but that doesn't mean you die .A good personality always lives. Eg .Gandhiji  He is a living dead .

  8. Didn't you notice that GOD is now on the process of selecting which one is good or bad?  And the good ones, GOD took away their lives at a very tender or early stage in life.  So, if you think that you are good, better do something bad so that GOD will not let you die early! ;)

    GOD BLESS!!!!!!

  9. Not one person in all of time and history has beaten it.

    Except Jesus Christ

    Thus, death is a surety, so life needs to be lived well.

  10. By not dwelling on the past nor worry unduly about the future, but focussing and enjoying the present as best as I can.

    So let one's spirit and attitude defeat any negative thoughts of death which is inevitable anyway,  for any human being. Though mortal, we are still luckier than some animals or insects which have life-spans ranging from only 24hrs to  15yrs. Just be sensible, take care of your health and take all the necessary safety precautions in your daily life. One should be interested to learn as much as possible about the dangers of appliances at home, tools. vehicles,swimming in rivers/canals and seas,lightnings, signs of tsunamis/flash floods, poisonous plants/animals/gases, stunts, etc to better one's chances of defeating injuries, disabilities and death. Keep reading and researching throughout life. And so long as you have striven to work and live life to the fullest, you should be contented towards the very end and not fear death at all.

  11. Jesus Christ defeated death at the cross.

  12. You can't defeat death. We will all surely die one day. It can be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next decade or even after 70 years. Enjoy each day as it comes. You only live once and life is not a rehearsal.

  13. By using death to make sense of life.  In my thirties I used to lie awake I was so disturbed by the fear of Death and of the nothingness that will be, ( Phillip Larkin expresses this fear  clearly  in his poem Aubude )

    Now that I am much closer to death that fear is gone and knowing there will be an end makes life beautiful. So death is now a kind of a friend, not one to be welcomed, but to be used.

    So Death, 'the thing' with a capital D, can be defeated and becomes 'death' the natural process that is part of life.

    ps I admire the stage that this poet has reached:

    Remainder of a Life

    by Mahmoud Darwish May 14, 2007

    If I were told:

    By evening you will die,

    so what will you do until then?

    I would look at my wristwatch,

    I'd drink a glass of juice,

    bite an apple,

    contemplate at length an ant that has found its food,

    then look at my wristwatch.

    There'd be time left to shave my beard

    and dive in a bath, obsess:

    "There must be an adornment for writing,

    so let it be a blue garment."

    I'd sit until noon alive at my desk

    but wouldn't see the trace of color in the words,

    white, white, white . . .

    I'd prepare my last lunch,

    pour wine in two glasses: one for me

    and one for the one who will come without appointment,

    then I'd take a nap between two dreams.

    But my snoring would wake me . . .

    so I'd look at my wristwatch:

    and there'd be time left for reading.

    I'd read a chapter in Dante and half of a mu'allaqah

    and see how my life goes from me

    to the others, but I wouldn't ask who

    would fill what's missing in it.

    That's it, then?

    That's it, that's it.

    Then what?

    Then I'd comb my hair and throw away the poem . . .

    this poem, in the trash,

    and put on the latest fashion in Italian shirts,

    parade myself in an entourage of Spanish violins,

    and walk to the grave!

  14. Quem me dera? Mas acredito que a morte tem sua beleza....ela sempre é oportuna...mesmo quando não vemos esta realidade. O mundo precisa de renovação...temos que deixar heranças de vida para os ficam...isso justifica a nossa necessidade de crescer...e mudar...a morte tambem deve ser uma mudança.


  15. by having kids

  16. Easy :

    Punch him in the nose...keep your radar on

  17., i just enjoy my life until its time...and that in itself is a victory

    won, not letting death interfere with my happiness prior to my end...

    ...thanks for asking...

  18. What is Death? It is change, from one form of existence to another. The body is born and will return to its original elements after a certain time, yes, but the conscious part of you lives on. That is Spirit and it is eternal.

    There is no 'death', there is only change. LIFE - Consciousness - is present everywhere. It's just a matter of deepening your understanding to recognize this.

  19. At this point there's no evidence that it can be done. However you can prolong life by enhancing health seeking behavior and not engage in risky activities

  20. As it has already been said, we can't defeat death but Jesus already did when He died on the cross.

  21. You cannot. We all must die.

  22. You accept it. Once you no longer fear death, then death can't defeat you, so you have defeated it instead.

  23. You can't. If it's your time to go then it's your time to go.  I have been hit 3 times in a cross walk, saved others from being hit and car crashes.  When it's my time it'll be my time. I just hope I don't go because it was the pilots time and not mine.

  24. Don't knock on his door.

    ninja kick it and run like h**l (:


    give him a cookie.

    or maybe just sack him in his boney pelvis (:

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