
How can you describe Big Brother?

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I say it's a grim show that makes guinea pigs of people for the viewing pleasure of a mostly bored and sordid public. It's a programme that highlights general human weaknesses in others and shows most people - the guinea pigs and the public - to be the unkind species they are. Of course, the financial rewards are huge for the morally deficient producers and other beneficiaries. I despise Big Brother. What do you think?




  1. I see it as a social experiment the looks into the psyche of everyday people that are put into challenging situations in a controlled environment.  Its as annoying as it is interesting. It will always make the viewer reflect on how they would act in each situation!

    I love it!  


  3. Funny to watch them have arguments about absolutely nothing!!!

  4. Big brother is for the low lives who have lost their fame in HOLLYWOOD or any other film industry.It is a mindless show for screwed up people.Its for those people who have nothing else to do in life.

  5. i loveeeeeeeeeee big brother gooo Keeshaaaaaaaaaaa

  6. For people who thinks watching people do nothing is actually worth talking about.

  7. There is only one word to describe Big Brother and that is "tripe".

  8. One of the biggest time-wasters on television.

    It says a lot more about the losers that watch it than it does about the ones who waste part of their lives appearing in it.

  9. Entertainment.

  10. I don't like BB, it seems is just retards in there rather than civilised people=/

    I don't care to watch... It makes you dumm after watching for a while=z

    I did like the previous BB tho when was that Indian actress in there, she had port and high standards.xx

  11. I think you talk a load of *ollocks.

  12.   shitt   but    addictive  .    /    darnell   or    rex     to     win .

  13. Think that you take it too seriously.

  14. I live in Sydney but no offense to the Big brother fans out there!! but it has been axed here- and I cant say I disagree.. it became a bit boring and it hanged on for dear life.. they even put Pamela Anderson on for like a couple of days- but it still got axed.

  15. KURT COBAIN the NAKED CHEF got it in one. It should have been canned after the first season. The novelty has worn off and I doubt many people watch it now.

  16. I think you have it spot on with your description. Can't think of anything to add really.

  17. I think it is a total crock and way, way past its sell-by date.

  18. Pond life contestants for pond life viewers.  

  19. It's something to replace boredom....It's something to watch on TV....It's something I like watching...I like it.

  20. I used to really like it, until about the 5th boring, because it's the same thing each season. I think that's your opinion and everyone is entitled to one. Mine is this...I used to like it, but could care less anymore.

  21. Finally, someone who agrees with me...

    it's a load of old tosh..and George Orwell must be spinning in his grave

  22. I really enjoyed BB when it first started but with each year it becomes more painful to watch, in c4's quest to find the most outlandish people to go into the house they have lost what was good about it in the first place.

    If we care to admit it we are all people watchers who like to voice our opinions on what people are like, how they are dressed etc. but by putting people on who we know dont need a few drinks to behave badly, (they will all do it in the name of fame), we have lost the point of big brother.

    It used to be relatively 'normal' people who provided the entertainment, add a couple of drinks and watch the fun!  now it is fame hungry wannabes who dont go on for the so called 'experience' but because they believe it to be a career choice for when they leave.

  23. its not really fair to come on here and then make comments generalising a whole group of people - i have spoken to many different kinds of people whilst in the rtv section - from very aggressive people to a wonderful lady who is at home unable to go out because of a illness, so by sitting at home watching big brother it gives her something to watch and then something to come on here and discuss with lots of people, so is she boring sordid or unkind??

    i don't go around to different sections asking people why they like a certain subject and then telling them that there is something wrong with them ( or not all of them but most of them!!!!)

    no problem asking your question but there was no need what so ever for the way it was asked or the generalising of everyone who watches it

  24. ummmmmmmmm..... where do i start... BORING




    Why would this show be interesting?! all they do is fight and talk about c**p!

    If you ask me... it should have been scrapped after the first season or it should have never been put to air! i Am GLAD that it has been scrapped... the money that they put into making the rubbish could be used for something more useful!!!

    Maybe they should think of this before thinking of another show that would be a catastrophe like Big Brother!!!

  25. If you don't like it don't watch it.

    Who are you to comment on it's viewers, do you know them all?

    I watch the highlights show each night, and am neither bored nor sordid.

    Stick to reporting and TDing Q&A's you troll.

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