
How can you say that?

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How can anyone say that spanking a child isn't right. The bible says to spare the rod is spoiling the child. and YES, sorry to burst your bubble, but that does mean SPANKING. So you have no argument. How can you also say that to spank an adult child is wrong if they are living in your home and acting like a spoiled brat? Beat their *** and show them what is right.




  1. sorry to burst your bubble but the bible is nothing more than a harry potter story built millions of years ago!!!! and if you beat your childs **** then god bless your kids!!!! i believe in just being nice to people threw life and when i meet my maker i'm sure he will see the good ive done, and no one will ever know until you get there, so stop spinning your t**d and stop beating your kids!!!! and for the record my kids are not spoilt bratts they have to work for what they get not work for fear of a beating!!!!!

  2. Shame that the bible is full of c**p then, it's just a book some dude with a wild imagination wrote.

    If i was your mother i'd sure have no problem with smackin you upside the head.

  3. What would happen if you spanked your child and they didn't react the way you expected? You'd just get angrier and angrier and more than likely, keep hitting them. Hitting your child more than 4 times is considered ABUSE and to top it all off, you were hitting them while you're mad, which is ALSO abuse! So guess what? You've just landed yourself in prison and your children are in a Foster home, for something that could DEFINITELY be avoided.

    She's my Daughter and she will be raised the way I see fit. Not anyone else. I was never spanked and I'm a VERY well-mannered and respectful person.

    EDIT: Thumbs down for my OPINION?! Wow. Like I said, I'll raise MY Daughter the way I see fit. (:

  4. No one is perfect, and that includes children.  Unless your child is one of those rare, extremely sweet people who would never say/do anything bad....then you must teach the child NOT to do bad things.  When a child first hits someone, and all they receive is a "talk" about how it's wrong to hit and they should never do it again....then most times, they understand that the only thing they will receive is a "talking".  Thus, they will do it again.  Spanking (and to one of the above answerers, this is not HITTING this is spanking aka some swats on the rump), is a way to teach the child how to mind and to make them remember when about to do something wrong what the consequences will be.  This teaches them at an early age why they should not do something wrong and later when the get older they will start to understand the other reasons why they should not do bad things.  

    Just my opinion, every parent has to make decisions for their own children, and even sometimes they make the wrong ones but they'll have to suffer for it later....there's nothing you can do, nor should do.  Again, just my opinion!  :)

  5. Are you saying that everything in the bible should be followed word for word? When is the last time you read it? there are some pretty horrendous things in there that god commands his followers to do that we wouldn't dream of doing today (at least not most people.)

  6. I spank my son? That's how you learn. You have to dicipline your child to teachit. My son is perfect now. He's 3 1/2. He has his bad days, but he cleans his room, he picks up after himeslf, he doesn't back talk, he doesnt hurt other children or do mean things, and he doesn't obbsessively cry about little things either. He is a mature 3 1/2 year old. And no we didn't BEAT him. We spanked him on his but. We smacked his but WITH our hand 2 times and sent him to his room. Nothing wrong with that at all.

    I've seen many chidlren who's parents do not spank.....It ticks me off to see a child "talked" to about hitting another child. I'm talking from the ages 2-8. They hurt another child and get sent to thier room where ALL thier TOYS are. How do they learn from that? Anyways....whatever. We all have different methods.

    **He also gets toys taken away etc. But spanking isn't ABUSE unless it's uncontrolled and out of anger. I know a hundred parents who smack thier child on the i don't know why everyone thinks it's the end of the world. I'm not punching him across the face or using a belt on him.

  7. Tapping them to make them learn from their mistakes (ie trying to stick their fingers in a plug socket) is fine. Resorting to beating means bad parenting.

  8. First of all, the quote you chose is actually a paraphrase (and a watered down paraphrase at that) of the verse you are refering to.

    Second, should we follow everything in the bible word for word? Have you read the bible recently? It encourages some horrendous behaviors that no decent person would consider today.

    And even if you do believe in taking every word in the bible literally, what about people who aren't Christian, and who don't believe in the bible?

  9. Daisy McPoo is correct. So is Princess Mommy. BTW, try following that one word for word, and you'll wind up behind bars, and your child will grow up in a foster home. You can't always take everything at face value. It's one thing to swat a child, who is too young to understand reason, and needs correction. It is something totally different, to rule your house with fear, and oppression, or to spank out of anger.

    Some parents try raising their children without physical discipline. They use their tone of voice instead. I don't mean shouting though. I've seen it done, and I've tried that method myself. You have to be persistent, but it's more affective than spanking, because it makes the child think about their actions, and who they are affecting by the way they are behaving. Spanking only creates fear. I've watched those little humans play in dayschool without turning to violence, when things didn't turn out the way they expected. I've also watched them sprout up to be amazing human beings. Human beings who were not oppressed, and therefore, do not live by fear, but are creative and loving.

    I grew up with a physically and emotionally abusive father. I was threatened and hit with belts. Living under oppression, and being raised with fear, did nothing for  my self esteem, or my siblings. All five of us were removed from his care. It's been almost 20 years, and despite his attempts to regain contact in some form, none of us wants anything to do with him. No one will answer his letters, he doesn't have any of our phone numbers. It's not a matter of forgiveness, we are just too hurt to want to hear his voice or see his face. We're done. He is all alone, with no wife, and no company from any of his 5 children.

    Think twice before you mistreat your children. No one deserves to be mistreated, even if it's by the parent, who says it's his or her right. I wish you luck and I hope you will do right by your children. After all, they never asked for this life. They are simply here. Knowing how cruel the world is already,  would you really want to inflict them with more pain? Would you really choose to have them live in fear of your wrath? Here are some biblical quotes, referring to discipline and training up a child. I wish you luck.

    While training and molding a child, a parent must not be so extreme as to abuse or excessively cause grief in the child (Colossians 3:21). In 1 Thessalonians 2:11, the Bible says, "... we exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you, as a father does his own children. " There is, then, a balance as parents mix harshness with warmth and love in the rearing of a child.

    "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. " (Ephesians 6:4)

    Weymouth New Testament; Colossians 3:21

    Fathers, do not fret and harass your children, or you may make them sullen (Showing silent resentment) and morose (ill-tempered).

  10. I agree! Beat them till they learn! It isnt abuse, it is disipline. The bible should be follwed and some a$$ wipe kidz need a beating!

  11. Although I believe in spanking and I base my belies on the Bible, I must correct you on one point.  The Bible does not say that to spare the rod is to SPOIL the child.  It actually says in Proverbs 13:24~~~

    "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."  

    Many people have made the mistake of saying that the  Bible says "spare the rod spoil the child", but it doesn't.  When anti-spankers try to find this in the Bible for proof, they are unable to find it,  so they use the argument that it really isn't there.  The truth is the Bible doesn't say anything about "spoiling"~, only hating.  

    I have heard this verse explained in two ways.  One is that if you don't discipline your children , they will be so bad and cause you so much trouble, it will cause you to hate them.  I have also heard it explained that IF you don't discipline, it's BEACAUSE you hate them instead of love them enough to train and discipline them properly.

    In any case, whichever explanation,you use, one certainly cannot deny that the Bible DOES support child discipline. The "rod",  could be taken to mean a spanking or just discipline in any form.

    I personally believe it to mean an actual rod, because in Bible days people were actually caned with a 'rod'.

      I would never use a cane or a stick to spank my children , but I do believe that a spanking done in love and for the purpose of correction (rather than out of frustration and anger) is Biblical.

    I agree with Corbin's Mommy precisely.

  12. I love the language the ones of you use when agreeing with the bible even if it is in your little *** how is a kid suppose to learn respect and give it when people talk like that around him.


    people just need to grow up. parent's are making it harder on themself if they critisizing how OTHER people raise THEIR kids. It's none of our buisness let them do as they please and you do the same. The energy you are wasting preaching about such and such could go to better things for you children. Quit wasting your time worrying about what other's think of your parenting. You know what's best for YOUR child no one else and you don't know how to raise someone else's child either..

  13. what if you dont believe if the bible??? because personally ive never read it:)
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