
How can you waste water?

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That is crazy, we have the same amount of water sence the beginning of time. The water we drink has been pissed out a million times!!!




  1. I know...ick!

    It's bottled water for me now FOREVER

  2. The water you get out of the tap goes through a very expensive quality control process- every drop from a domestic tap in most UK districts has to be potable (safe to drink). There is plenty of unprocessed water in the form of rain, and sensible nations encourage the saving of grey water where "hygeinic" water is not needed (toilet flushes, garden watering, car washing)

  3. when people say this I think they are referring to fresh water

  4. when coooking or taking a shower or brushing your teeth because it goes in to the drain and the water process can take years for example you run the water hose the water goes into the ground well it can stay their for years! ways you can save water is turn the water off when your not using it or take a shower that uses less water i know sounds like it isnt true but it is lolz

  5. Yes it has.  However, it needs time to be cleaned enough by either microorganism or plant life for us to be able to drink it safely.

    After all, you wouldn't want to drink water straight out of a cesspool would you?

  6. Using water unnecessarily - and throwing the water away - is wasting the water.   Or ... letting water run when it is not used.

  7. my bf works for the wastewater plant, its not true.. there are wastewater and water plants.. all of our toilet water, shower, sink, get treated and sent to golf courses and construction sites, stuff like that. We don't drink our wastewater.. Its treated so you could, but I wouldnt recommend it ! lol

  8. Ya thats true the only problem is we don't always get the same amount of rain in the same area. So that is why there are very dry areas that didn't have a single drop of rain in years. Some other places on the other hand have floods.

  9. It costs money to pump water into and out of your home. It costs money to pump water to put out fires and irrigate land. It costs money to purify water for drinking. A tremendous amount of work and money goes into your being able to turn on taps throughout your home. The more water you use, the more you pay, and the more your government/community has to pay (for equipment and workers) to get you all of the money you are using.

    Also, it takes water many, many years to go through natural aquifers, and if communities continue to use more water than they really need, these aquifers will dry up, and the consequences will add even more expenses in order to get you the water you want to use.

  10. go to a public bathroom and block all the drains and turn everything on

  11. Not all, a little bit of Waters stays in your body. We do not pissed all the drunken water out.

  12. I think the problem is more that the water we have is being poluted

  13. flush the toilet a bunch?

  14. Well, one big way is by washing your car at home. Some people may wash theirs in the street or paved driveway and allow the water to run into the gutter and down the sewere/drain. Some driveways are gravel, or just plain dirt, and the water doesn't run off and into the sewer. Others choose to wash theirs in the backyard where the water just seeps into the grass/ground.

    If you have bottled water that you didn't finish and you toss it into the trash...that's wasting water. If you pour the mop water, water from carpet steam cleaners, etc outside, instead of down a drain, that's wasting water.

    Any water that can't end up at the waterworks and sewer plant to be "recycled" (if that's the right word), to be used for resources like watering football fields, etc, is being wasted, IMO.

    Many lakes have dried up over the years, and many rivers aren't as high with water levels as before, too. So, I'd say we don't have the same amount of water that we had since time began.

  15. Not really, would you drink p**s? Or wash with it?

    Water is kept in reserves and if you just let water run and not use it, then YES it's wasting it because you don't want to use up the water in the reserves wasting it.

  16. making love four five times a day

  17. The idea is how recoverable is that water.

    Yes, it is not destroyed after you use it.  The water you run in the sink goes down the drain and will eventually find its way back into a system we can recover it from.  However, if we are taking water from the system faster than it replenishes then we will eventually drain it.  Aquifers are a good example.  We pump water out and use it.  It will eventually be evaporated and fall back as rain and replenish the aquifer.  However, that replenishment has to happen faster than what we pull out.  If people are not using water properly and we are in a water deficit as to replenishment then that is wasting water.

  18. i think your is crazy...but what most people mean when they say waste water, is "waste already purified water" , "waste money on your water bill", or " waste water that is in a limited reseve of already purified water the city is using". My little town dern near ran out last summer, because we pipe ours in. We have an agreement with a neighboring water treatment plant to be allowed a set amount. When that amount is  used up....they do not have to sell us more.

  19. leaving the tap on when you brush your teeth, do the dishes, or lather up in the shower!!

  20. Yeah i supose we aren't really wasting water because the water that does end up going down the drain/toilet it's cleaned in a water filtration plant and used again. The only way water will really run out is if we drink it all or put in all in our lawns.. :D

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