
How can??What are??10pts=BEST!!!?

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How can I have a baby, without s*x? I am 16. Also, for when I get older, or when I have a baby, what are some good names for a girl or boy? Thanks in advance!!




  1. either you can go to a sperm bank or you can adopt.

    for a girl, i like riley, sarah, ashley, and ella

    and for a boy, i like jordan, josh, spencer, and zack


  2. adoption, in vitro fertilization, etc.. there are web sites of baby names.  type 'baby names' into google.

  3. when you are legally old enough you can go to a sperm bank and pay to get pregnant. as long as it is all healthy that will cost about 5000.00.

    there is always adoption as well. again when you are older, you have to prove stability and income. and again can cost up to 20,000.00.

    if you truely want a child age has not as much to do with it as your personal security. income and love and support are very very needed.

  4. artificial insemination.

    boys - ceasar, joel, joseph, joshua

    girls - catherine, valerie, lily, vanessa

  5. sperm banks and adoption agencys..... all work. as for names, you can go to yahoo or google- type in baby names, and find a site that works for you! my personal favorites are: (girl- meagan, meaghan, morgan, hannah) (boy- joshua, christopher, cory, tyler, jonathan) Good luck, and by the way... you REALLY should wait until you're older... :)

  6. Adopt

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