
How could I atract a girl?

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Hey people I was wondering how do i get a girl friend because ive tried so many things and it never works for me if u could please help me Thanks.




  1. Dude, one thing I learned in life is that you have to be yourself. It's hard when you're young (as evident by all the posers with baggy clothes you see everyday trying to pick up women) but if you do that, you'll attract a long time partner. Also, women like confident (not arrogant) guys so present yourself that way. Women, especially good looking ones, find it interesting when guys don't pay too much attention to them. It actually makes you more interesting......good luck!

  2. Be yourself!  Putting on a front will either attract the wrong type of girl or will make it so a girl will not be attracted (as much) to you once she gets to know the real you.  Also, try to meet girls in different, new places.

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