
How dangerous is asbestos?

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I'm moving into college in about a week and I just found out that some residential buildings on campus have encapsulated asbestos materials in the ceiling, and this includes the dorm I'm going to live in. I heard asbestos was really dangerous and caused cancer and other breathing problems, even death. I really can't believe they still have asbestos in the building, I'm sure that its against health regulations and building codes. I'm going to try and move into another building, but theres no guarantee that I'll get a place. Can someone shed some light on how dangerous asbestos really is? Thankyou.




  1. asbestos is really dangerous and it should never be moved without protection. while it is in place and encapsulated, it is secure but as soon as someone starts moving it, even a small amount inhaled can and will cause cancer

  2. As long as it is not that old, it's ok. Asbestos is dangerous when the fibers are out while dismantling as it causes cancer. As long a sit is not disturbed it's ok. But better to keep the concerned well informed and aware of it.

  3. You ought to be able to find plenty of articles about asbestos.  It's a killer.  You can inquire with the building and grounds people at the school, and if they ignore you, call the county building inspections office.  They should be aware or need to be.

  4. Extremely dangerous in some cases, not at all dangerous in others. Asbestos is a serious danger when asbestos fibers become airborne.  That's because the fibers are tiny, easily inhaled, and abrasive, and breathing them in can damage your lungs.  I'm not aware that any exposure to asbestos fibers is considered safe. However, if the asbestos is encapsulated in some way or buried beneath another surface so that it would not be touched or disturbed, the fibers won't be released and you won't end up breathing them.

    Here's an article about what you need to know regarding asbestos:

    If you want more info see the link below from the Environmental Protection Agency.

    In your case, I think the best bet  is to contact the university housing office to find out exactly what has been done to prevent asbestos from being a hazard. If you have any doubts, however, feel free to ask for a change of residence.

  5. Asbestos is safe as long as it is encapsulated and the fibers aren't stirred up. It is "grandfathered in" as being an approved building material.

    Removing of asbestos is very expensive so don't count on it being removed.

    The link below shows what forms from asbestos fiber inhalation.

  6. Asbestos which is wrapped around hot water or steam pipes is not dangerous unless it has been disturbed. If the wrapping (which looks like a cast for broken limbs) is intact, its not a problem. If there is tears or breaks exposing the fibers, it is dangerous. Mesothelioma (a type of cancer) is a disease caused by exposure to asbestos. The bad thing about Mesothelioma is that it will take up to several decades to develop the symptoms and know that you have been exposed to asbestos. If your worried, get out. Why take the chance?

  7. Asbestos is dangerous because it takes many years to show symptoms. You said that the asbestos was encapsulated and that means sealed so it won't get into the air. The only time it becomes a problem is when it is disturbed by maintenance or some other event.

    I would not consider this a problem.

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