
How did america won independenc?

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  1. The king was a little busy around the world at the time and wasn't foresighted enough to consider the great wealth america could possess

    so by concentrating elsewhere and basically giving up on the colonies he forfeited.

    He had plenty of wood to build ships so he really didn't need us

    We were more of a thorn in the foot than an asset

  2. George Washington "out-spyed" the entire British military.

  3. Through a terrorist insurrection. Seems a different story however when S. Ossetia wants to secede from Georgia!

  4. technically, America was created through "war" with the british and hessians (german mercenary soldiers) after the states were wrongfully overtaxed, the americans got tired of it and created a declaration of independence and went to war with britain to establish the free and strong nation today. however today, the US has gotten weaker not militarily, but within. For example, there are groups such as "code pink" supposedly American, who stand outside military funerals of US troops and celebrate their death. how pathetic right? and for all those peace freaks out there, without war, the US would not exist!! here is a quote" only in times of chaos does one show their true selves"

  5. armourer ur an idiot... britain wasnt involved int he napoleonic wars during the revoltion and we still beat you. washington DC wasnt even our capitol back then it was philadelphia. and you took canada with the help from America (just colonies at the time) we declared independence on July 4th, 1776 then the british came over to try and take us back but we kicked their ***. the french helped at one battle, Yorktown which was the final battle. we won by geurilla war tactics and we also knew the battlefield.

  6. By kicking British *** from Boston to Yorktown.

    Sure, there were some setbacks and issues, like New York, but generally, America smacked them down quite well.

  7. The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, announcing that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were no longer a part of the British Empire. Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration is a formal explanation of why Congress had voted on July 2 to declare independence from Great Britain, more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War. The birthday of the United States of America—Independence Day—is celebrated on July 4, the day the wording of the Declaration was approved by Congress.

  8. By declaring Independence, and then Asserting that independence by defeating Britain.

    armouror2000 let's look at facts the USA is a independent and sovereign Nation, not one that is a member of the Commonwealth. we depend on your Queen for nothing.

    Don't blame Napoleon for your King George for not being able to defeat us. France under Napoleon didn't declare war on England till 1793 well after the Revolutionary war.

    yes Britain did in fact invade Washington D.C., but who in the end was kicked out of the USA? that's right Britain. you were again beat by the USA.

    you don't have to like it, but it is a fact we the USA beat you to win Independence. with or without French help is not relevant. how many Wars has Britain, England, or the UK fought without Allies? Answer very few outside of the home islands.

  9. well it was the french and the americans, and the british army was in other parts of the world as well

    but maybe going over to america wasnt so bad

    where would america be if it wasnt for the brits

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