
How did this happen? HELP?

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i was involved in a roll away accident a little over a month ago (jun 8).I was driving 67mph at 4am, holding the wheel with 1 hand & holding my cell phone with my right hand.I don't know if I blanked out or whatever but what I do remember is feeling my car go dramatically 2the other lane.I tried 2get a hold of my steering wheel but couldn' car rolled over about 3 or 4 all happened so fast.I still managed 2get out of my totaled car in a flash.

What I don't understand is how it happened?Why did my car roll over & loose control in the first place.

this is an approximate location of the accident:

totaled car:

the wheel thing, or rim thing is out:

maybe hitting the side of the road, caused damaged to my front left, which lead my car to rollover, plus the speed?




  1. I would say something went wrong with your drivetrain.

  2. Difficult to guess. Only (Pleasant) surprise that you survived from such severe accident

  3. tire probably blew out, causing the drift to the other side, and going about 67mph causes the car to be way too unstable, which probably caused the car to flip, at high speeds your tires wear out and heat up so no grip and high chances of blowing up, you pop a tire, thus losing control, majority of the time the car flips

    i am not sure if you pressed on the breaks, if you did, it causes load on the front tires which would cause you to gain control of the car back

  4. the most important thing we need to know is were you able to keep talking while all this happened

  5. Try this out when your travelling down any road at 67mph (107k) and your car is about 12' ft (4m)

    Your car is travelling at about 36.6 meters per second this means your car travels around 9 times it's own length every second..... do you see the significance with these numbers?

    if I get it right you are travelling the length of a football field every 2 seconds..........

    It's any wonder when  you came back to reality your car had already been totalled!!!!

    Also it is significant that your accident on a straight stretch of road, it has been researched that most fatal accidents occur on flat straight roads!

    Well 4am mmmmm I reckon you should buy a lottery ticket.

    No injuries, no cops, no sleep, on the cell phone, over the posted 55 mph speed limit, No Brains!

    Mate your either a cat with nine lives or just very very lucky!

    Hope you learn from this experience or should I say inexperience

  6. 1. speed.

    2. time of day.

    3. cell phone.

    4. tired.

  7. SHE LIVES !!!!

    Only you know how it happened.

    Good Luck...

  8. Firstly, count yourself lucky to be alive!  

    Secondly, switch off your cellphone whilst driving.  We are not allowed to use them at the wheel in the UK, following a number of deaths and serious accidents.

    Lastly, I think in general, American cars are so floaty, vague, prone to wander their line, softly-sprung and under-damped that when I drive them they scare the h**l out of me!

    I drive Afa-Romeo and Mercedes.

  9. I bet that wouldn't have happened if you had your cell phone on a headset.

  10. the front left wheel must of have any problem.from the pictures seems imposibe for the car to roll over from crossing the lane,unless you hit uncle  had an accident like that..the front tire pop and the car rolled are lucky you didnt get hurt...good luck

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