
How did you tell your friends?

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How did you tell your friends and family you were expecting? I'm trying to think up some memorable ways to tell people. Anyone ever announced it to a church congrigation?





  1. one time i found out i was pregnant right before fathers day and when we were giving my dad his gifts i gave him an envalope with no ones name on it and he asked who is was from and i told him from his grand child and he asked which one and i told him to open it and see and a picture from the first sonagram fell out and a note that said "happy fathers day grand dad, i can't wait to meet you.. hope you like my first picture, Love, your newest grandchild" is was probibly the best yet... but  since father's day past maybe wait till someones birthday or something

  2. We bought some picture frames that said 'baby' on them and inserted a note saying 'picture available in 6 months!'.

  3. Tell them u wont get ur period for the next 9 months....if they dont figure it out just tell them ur pregnant

  4. Any birthdays coming up?If so why don't you tell them you've got them another present but it won't arrive until [due date] or give them an I.O.U and have the picture of the scan inside.

    Whatever you do congratulations and I hope everything goes beautifully for you!

  5. i told my mum  by giving her the scan picture and saying meet ur grandchild.

    we told our friends by gathering them all in the pub where we worked and telling them all together

  6. I put it on my myspace page. I filled out a survey and for some of my answers I typed hints like Whats your job? I said Human Oven...things like that..Once the first person got it, they sent me a congratulations and then everyone else followed

  7. i like to drop hints in random places, like take them out to coffee and say its bad for you in your state.

    or go shopping with them and buy big shirts and say i better buy this for the future.

    just random things, little things

    but yes i like the idea of doing the church thing.

    and i forgot to say, congrats! =D

  8. buy a dummy or a lil kiddies toy and let them figure it out for themselves!


  9. I usally tell my mum im expecting when i get home from work every day like this .."wheres my ****** dinner you old slag"

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