
How did your induction go?

by Guest31849  |  earlier

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I'm just wondering...does the rate for a c-section go up with getting an induction? I'm afraid of getting a c-section. Also are you allowed to eat or drink before hand, mine is scheduled for september 2nd at 5am! What will happen as soon as I get there? What is the process....I check in at 5am, my doctor said he will meet me there about 7 to break my water, what happens between 5am and 7? And also what happens after the break my water? Sorry I'm just kinda nervous about it, this is our first so I dont know what to expect. As soon as he breaks my water bag do the contractions immediately start or does it take at least a minute or 2? What do they feel like at first, or as soon as they break my water are they already going to be the unbearable ones?




  1. Inductions should only be done if medically necessary or you are overdue by two weeks. Not out of convenience....

    Yes, it increases the risk of a c-section as it does with you having more painful contractions due to the pitocin they give you.

    However, some inductions go by very it's all by chance really. Good Luck!

  2. I was induced with all three of my children.  With my first one, I got there at 6 am.  They weighed me, got me in room, and prepped me (in gown, vitals, IV).  They started my poticin around 8am.  I was on it for 2 days bc my cervix wasn't changing much.  They stopped it each night at 5pm so that I could eat dinner.  But on the 3rd day I was started on Potocin again at 4am.  The doctor came in broke my water about 6am and started having good contractions.  Got my epidural at 8am.  It wore off at 1pm...hurt like REALLY bad.  Got another dose and started pushing about 1:55 and had her at 2:29pm.

    With my 2nd.  I was put in the hospital for high blood pressure during the afternoon.  They monitored me that night and started the induction at 4 am the next morning.  I was started on potocin at 4am.  My cervix wasn't changing much I think I got to 3 cm before they stopped it at 5pm so that I could rest and eat dinner.  They started me the next morning at 4am on Potocin.  Broke my water at 6am.  They gave me my epidural around 8-9am.  I made sure this time they did not let me run out...bc I would be ringing someones neck.  I started pushing around 5:20 and had him at 5:28pm...only 3 contractions and had him out.  

    With my 3rd I was induced bc I was 11 days overdue.  I went in at 5 am.  They prepped me.  Started the pitocin at 6:30-7am (dont remember)  It was about an hour later and I started feeling my contractions.  I know I felt my first contraction at 7:45am.  I was already 3cm when I went in for induction.  They didn't want to break my water bc she hadn't dropped yet and the cord could of got stuck through my cervix, so they decided to wait.  They broke my water when I was 9-9 1/2 cm bc she really never dropped to much.  I pushed for about 2min after they broke my water and she was born at 5:14pm.  I did it without the use of pain meds.  I have to say that I think her labor was easier than my other 2 and I didn't have to push much at all.  The contractions of my first 2 labors seemed to be unbearable so that's why I got the epidural.  But with my 3rd since they didn't break my water until the end, they were bearable and I was about to do it drug free!

    I wish you the best of luck with your induction.  

  3. Wow! I had my first by induction on Sept. 2, 2004 and had to arrive @5am.  The first thing I had to do was put on a gown, and then a nurse took all my vitals, and gave me an e***a (to clean out your bowels so you don't p**p all over the place pushing).  That was not fun, but I've been through alot worse things.  Within 5 minutes of the e***a, you will have to empty loose watery stool from your bowels. (a great relief)  Then get hooked up to all the monitors.  The doc came in around 7 and broke my water.  Then left for around 30 minutes to see if I contracted on my own.  I barely did, so they gave me the pitocin drip,(too much I think) and I started feeling the pain within 5 minutes of that.  It progressed very quickly and very painfully.  I dilated very fast also.  They decided to give me my epidural @ 2-3 cm since I was going so fast. (which I later regreted)  After pushing began (around 2:30pm) they discover my baby was face up, so I had to wait for doc to come and turn him around.  Then my cervix stopped stretching at 8cm (due to scar tissue from a previous surgery) so my baby was stuck for hours.  By the time I pushed him out (8:30pm) my epidural had long ago worn off. (that's why I wish I had waited longer to get it).  However if things had gone normally for me, it probably would have worked out great.  So there you have it.  Hope yours goes smoothly!  Oh, and no, an induction does not mean you stay longer.  I went home 48hrs after giving  birth. Oh, yeah, don't let a c-sect. scare you...they save lives.  I had my second child by emergency section, and it saved his life, and mine. As a matter of fact, I would prefer a section over a vaginal birth anyday.

  4. With my first I was induced. When I got to the hospital they got me prepped with IV and bloodwork. At about 7am they started me on Pitocin. I had contractions all day and nothing much happened til about 3pm they broke my water just felt like gus of water. then contractions were stronger. got epidural at 4pm and sat cozy til about 1045 when i began to push. he was born at 1105pm. labor was 16 hours. with my second i went in for induction. got there 9am got on pitocin 10 am tried for epidural at like 2pm but it didnt work and they did it 3 times but it didnt work. so it was like natural childbirth. at 819 i pushed twice and he was out. so it was 10 hours. with my third i was scheduled to be induced but water broke the week before. it trickled out. contractions didnt start til about 4 hours later and the first contraction i had a big gush of water. i got to hospital at 3pm got epidural and when doctors looked at 800 to check me her head was halfway out i didnt even have to push. labor was only 5hours but took 4 hours to get started from time water broke. every labor is different

  5. Well, mine was horrible. I was induced at 6 pm on monday and they did not do the c-section til 7pm tues. So, yeah I was grumpy. As far as eating, speak to your doctor about that. He may have different plans for you. As far as the c-section, I had an epherderal and did not feel a thing, I felt a little pressure but as soon as the "medicine" guy found out, he pumped me some more of that juice, and I did not feel that..Though it did make me shaky afterwards, and it took about an hour an hour & a half to wear off , but it wasn't as bad as I thought. The thought of being cut open while awake scared me, but once I got in there it was a breeze. (a little weird feeling, but no sweat!)

    Dont worry, you will be fine. It is a little scary, but just think about finally seeing your beautiful baby after all this time, all that worrying will go away. Just keep that on your mind, and hang in there.

  6. Are you dilated at all yet? That can make a difference. With me, they started with Cervidil (not sure of the spelling) to help soften my cervix and see if it would dilate. I went two days and ended up having a c-section, and honestly, it wasn't that bad! The recovery was actually a breeze. But, a c-section is always a possibility, but if it is important for you to have a natural birth (well, as natural as possible) then make sure you stand by that. Unless it's a matter of baby's health or your health, you'll be fine going natural.

    Every labor is different, so just remember that. Contractions may start soon after he breaks your water, but do you know if they plan to use pitocin? That can make a difference too. I don't believe you are in the hossy longer after the baby is born, but the induction process can be a very long process. As I said, I was in for 2 days before we opted for a c-section because of fetal distress and my blood pressure. Oh, and between 5 and 7, they'll just monitor you and baby, get you ready for induction, draw labs, etc...normal stuff that they do when you go in when you are in labor :)

    You should call either the hospital or the doctor to find out if you can eat before hand. I was not able to eat before my induction, and during the induction it was clear liquids only because if you do need an emergency c-section, having a full tomach is not a good thing lol.

    Good luck!

  7. ok i was induced

    1. yes you can eat and drink before but not during any of the labor the only thing you can get is ice chips

    2.oh sorry this should be one the only time u get a c section if something goes mayjorly wrong which i am sure will not happen soon as u get there u will check in get into a labor and delivery room and they will start and iv (pitosin) and put u on three monitors one is the babies heart beat two is timing contractions and three is blood pressure

    4.between 5 and 7 u get checked in which takes about 30 min. get into the room have all the monitors put on the nurse will check to see how far u are dialated and % effaced if any by the time everything is done the doc will be in at 7 to break ur water

    5. once your water is broke the contractions become stronger which they already are from the pitosin and you dialate faster...

    6. the contractions will already be there because of the pitosin

    7.the water is warm and feels nasty they will check the water to see what color it is

    8.the contractions are not really unberable if you keep ur mind off of it and what i did was clutched onto the rail everytime one came on you are not in the hospital longer with an induction its the same unles there is complications with u and the baby


  8. You are in the hospital for the same length of time.  when you get there they will put you in a room and give you patosin through your I.V. most likely since the doctor said he would be there at 7 to break your water.  between 5 and 7 they will check your progression to see how much you have dilated.  when the doctor gets there if your water has not already broken he will take a tool and stick it up through your cervix and jab you until your water breaks it usually only takes one quick poke and don't worry it doesn't hurt.  chances are you will start having contractions before they break your water.  they will be pretty bad and shortly if not immediately after they break your water they will offer you an epidural.    if you do not continue to progress normally they will opt for a c-section.  so long as things are moving along they will not do one.  Every one says that it increases your chances of needing a c-section if you are induced but it doesn't the majority of the women who need a c-section after they have tried to induce would have needed a c-section even if they had not been induced.  your stay in the hospital will be two nights from when you have the baby so if you don't have the baby until september 3rd you will not leave until sept. 5th.  also I was instructed not to eat for 12 hours before going in with my second because the medication will make your sick.  My first was an emergency and I was throwing up while giving birth and before hand too.

  9. First off congrats! I have a little boy too, and they are so much fun. Now to answer your question. Being induced is not horrible, and it all goes by very fast, and then afterwards you'll hardly remember a thing ( but thats labor in general). I was induced with my son, and not for medical reasons, just cause I wanted to be, so that my family could be there. Before they break your water they will mostly start the pitocin, which makes the contractions start, but not right away. The contractions will slowly get stronger. I didn't get my epideral till I was dilated to a 6, and I was in labor for 6 hours before that. I am a wuss and I made it through okay. I have to say that getting your water broken is very startling, cause there is a big gush peeling like you wet your pants. Getting water broken does not hurt either. And being induced does not mean that you have to stay at the hospital longer. I doubt you will have to get a c-section unless the baby is breach or too big for you tp push out. You are gonna be okay, just relax and breathe through the contraction. I wish you the best of luck.

  10. You've gotten a lot of good answers here, so I'll try to make this a bit short and not redundant, lol.

    I would first ask the doctor why they feel an induction is necessary.  Due dates, fetal checks and ultrasounds are not 100% accurate.  They can be off by around 2 weeks either way (early or late).  So, if there is no medical reason to induce, it might be wise to consider waiting.

    Cesarean rate increases with any medical intervention (induction, pain management, body positions in labor...).  So, this is something to be cautious of.

    It all depends on what induction procedure you are having as to how things progress from the time you arrive.  With some (myself included), the doctor breaks your water in order to place an internal monitor on the baby's scalp and alongside his/her face (one is for fetal heart tones and the other is to measure contractions).  The Pitocin is started after that.

    Contractions with Pitocin are much more intense because the medication goes directly to the uterus instead of the brain first, triggering hormones that relax and reduce pain.  Also, contractions that come after your water breaks are more intense as well because there is no cushion there to soften the pressure.

    Your hospital stay will be the same as it would be if you arrived in labor on your own unless you have a Cesarean birth.

    Calm down, relax and do some research for yourself.  It is very important for you to know what is going on and decide for yourself if this is something you want to go through with.

    God bless,


    P.S.  Sorry it wasn't as short as I was hoping, lol.

  11. i was inducted with both mine and had vag births the get you set up on iv  and get meds and fluid pumping hooked to montors and i went from no pain to all pain with plenty of meds and still hurt badly good luck dont be so nervous it will all be ok  

  12. I was induced at 40 weeks and 2 days on April 28th.  The rate for c-section goes up with induction because the medicine that is given to you to start the contractions can make them so intense that the baby could become distressed or you may not dilate or the baby may not come  down the birth canal.  The drugs aren't administered in the same way and rythm that your body would release them, so sometimes the contractions are way more intense.

    When you get to the hospital they have to admit you.  You have to fill out all the necessary paper work.  Then they will give you your room and start an IV, begin monitoring the baby's heart rate, and all that stuff.  They don't typically start an induction by just breaking your water because once they do that the clock is ticking and you have 12 hours to deliver the baby before the risk of infection gets high.  Once your water is broken there is nothing to protect the baby and every time they would check to see if you are dilating they would be risking an infection. They will most likely give you drugs to start the contractions and once you are moving along, either your water will break on its own or they will do it for you.  (They broke mine after seven hours of labor when I was 7cm dilated).  Your doctor may give you Pitocin through your IV to start contractions or insert a suppository with a gel on it that will dilate your cervix.  My doctor did the suppository and with in 3 hours my contractions started, but she warned me that it could take as long as 12 hours.  But if the doctor does break your water first it will still take some time for contractions to begin.

  13. OK CALM DOWN!!!!!  Ok well when you go to the hospital those two hours between are to prep you, hook you to a montor , take your blood do an ultasound, and all the other fun things they do. Then once your water is broke it can take up to hours for you contractions to begin. My water broke on its own and i didn;t begin contractions until 6 hours later, I was in labor for 45 hours and them my pelvis broke causing me to have a c-section. (don't worry what happened to me is very very rare.)  It all depends on your body... you may get in there have your water broke and have your baby 3 hours later, or it could be days!!! Also don;t be scared of c-sections ( I was so scared at first, but after it was done I was like "that was nothing") Good Luck with your new baby relax and enjoy your only days of freedom you have left cause next week its all about the baby!!!

  14. Yes, the rate of c-section increases, as well as the risk of infection, uterine rupture, fetal distress, and many other things.  An induction is not something that should be done unless there is a solid medical reason.

    Ask your doctor to delay breaking your water until labor is more established (presumably you're being given something to encourage labor first).  If your water is broken early, then you have an increased risk of infection and of cord prolapse.  Also, if things go slowly, and you haven't had the baby by late evening, if they haven't broken your water, they can turn the drugs off and let you sleep.  But, if they've broken your water, they'll have you on a strict delivery timetable (probably within 24 hours) and you'll have to labor through the night or have a c-section.

  15. Hey girl! Wow, it's getting close! I am scheduled to be induced this Friday, our babies will be here soon!

    So, I never experienced this, but I will tell you what I know. Are you dilated yet?

    You will get there, they will probably have you pee in a cup, they will get you into a gown, and get you in the bed. Then they will put the two monitors on your stomach and start an IV. They will probably check you, and if they need to, squirt some gel on your cervix to help it ripen. Then they will either start you on pitocin and break your water or just break your water. I hear the contractions with Pitocin start hard and fast, most women are shocked. I am also scared of getting a c-section, but it's our jobs as mommies to do whatever possible to get our babies here happy and healthy, so just try not to focus on the things that may go bad. :) If they break your water, your contractions may not start @ all on there own, but if they do, they probably won't be instantly severe. Just relax girl and go with the flow and it will all be worth it when you have that baby boy in your arms! I will let you know how mine goes this Friday! (@ 6 AM!)

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