
How do I advertise on line?

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I have limited funding and need to get my business name out. I have a domain, but when I use the search bar I can't find it without using the exact address... I know very little about computers so any advice is appreciated. Thanks




  1. You need to perform search engine optimization on your site which is not expansive at all if you just optimize the site. You can write some press releases and free articles on your site and educate yourself on social media marketing.

  2. stop lieing

  3. There are countless ways you could advertise on the Internet:

    You could:

    -- Place ads on high traffic Classified Advertising websites. Craigslist is one example of a free Classified Ad site that get's a lot of traffic.

    -- Placed ads on popular Search Engines that offer Pay Per Click advertising.  Google, Yahoo, MSN are the best three to

    start out with.

    -- Help people who have questions in forums and groups that are related to the products or services you're advertising. Yahoo Groups & Google Groups are good places to start. Be careful not to blatantly advertise in groups unless it is expressly allowed. Instead - include your advertisement in your signature file.

    -- Writing articles and submitting them to article directories, and newsletter publishers is another excellent way to advertise free on the Internet. Websites like are a good places to begin. In this case, you write articles that would be informative and helpful to your target audience and you place your ad at the bottom of the article in what's known as the author's resource box.

    -- Press releases are another way to get a lot of free and low-cost advertising. There are many free and low-cost websites that will distribute your press release to hundreds of places on the Internet and offline as well.

    For other effective ways to promote your products, services or business on the Internet, I suggest the Free Newsletter found here:

  4. Craigslist   .com

    youtube .com

    Ebay .com

    All excellent places to advertise


  6. u need to work on SEO and SEM those 2 are the best way to get more traffic and to advrtise to a product so start reading seo articals and SEM 2 check this blog it will be so helpfull for u as its for Beginners

    also u got alot of ways as blogs read this artical

    clasifed ad are a good way also to advrtise ur business stay away from scam and spam as mailing advrtise u might got sue for that use legal ways to advrtise i hope this info will help u

  7. These are my time proven techniques which got me more traffic

    1)Viral Pictures

    Viral is closely connected with something that may spread easily.So i suggest you to create a viral picture which is closely connected with your products and spread it.

    Everyone likes funny pictures and they don't mind sharing it with others.It's viral.So, If you're selling a health product, then you may create a funny picture about it and put your website's name on it.

    Next, just forward it to as many contacts as possible using e-mails. Whether it's a 12 years old kid or 21 years old adult.They would just love and share it with others. Can you see how easy it is?

    2)Viral Videos

    Videos are the most famous entertainment on the Internet.People would just love it dues to it's effectivenes in spreading the message. So i suggest you to create viral videos about your product and again put your link in it.

    If you got 3 minutes video, then make sure your website's link is visible throughout the whole 3 minutes.If you don't have the necessary tools to create a video, then you can simply collect 5-10 viral pictures and then convert it into video using Windows Movie Maker.

    Then just upload it to You Tube or Google Videos. Now using bluetooth everyone is exchanging videos from their mobiles or computers. If your video is viral enough to attract others, it will easily spread to others.

    Suggested Links:

    3)Yahoo Answers

    I probably won't be answering your question if i don't know the answer. And i won't suggest you any websites link if i think that it's not going to help you.

    So simply answer any questions that you're knowledgeable(your niche market) at and put a link to your websites as extra source for others.

    If your answer is good and solved the questions, people would also expect for more tips and suggestion from you.If you suggested any website links, there are high chances for anyone to visit it.

    4)Forum Marketing

    Forum Marketing works just like Yahoo Answers. They would be a lot of tips and questions exchanged in any forums.

    So start getting active and contribute to any forum members and they will appreciate your expertise and start visiting your websites for more up-to-date tips.

    Suggested Links:

    5)Newsgroup Marketing

    Promote your expertise and links in newsgroups by contributing your tips to other members.

    Suggested Links:

    6)Article Marketing

    Write articles within your niche and submit it to article directories

    Suggested Links:

    7)Social Networking

    Use social networking sites to promote your products and links. As you know social networking sites are self promotoable. If you got a nice profile with beautiful pictures in it, i bet you'll get a lot of visits from other members.

    Suggested Links:

    Other Web Traffic Generating Tips:

    1)Free Press Release

    2)PPC Ads(It'll cost you money)

    3)Joint Ventures

    4)Newspaper(It'll cost you money)

    5)Sms(It'll cost you money)

    6)Word Of Mouth

    7)Pamplets/Flyers(It'll cost you money)

    8)Business Cards(It'll cost you money)

  8. try submitting it to social bookmarkings .. it can boost your traffic and search engines will start to like your site .

    sample bookmarking sites:

    there are hundreds of them around the web just search.

  9. As everyone knows in the field of Internet Marketing that there are broadly two ways to attract Traffic on your site i.e the paid one called PPC and free one which requires immense patience, hard work and intelligence.

    Here we will talk about the second option, immensely popular among webmasters to drive Traffic to their site. So here we are presenting you some tips to bring Traffic on your site.

    Tip #1 Social Bookmarking bookmark your website on social bookmarking sites like Stumbleupon,, Digg, Squidoo, Propeller and other such popular sites. Friend circle on Social Networking sites like Orkut and Facebook can help you bring along huge traffic and if you regularly post your site in various available communities then probably it will do the blast.

    Tip#2 Forum submission Submitting your website on various related Forums & webmaster’s forum can really boost the visitor count provided your post is exciting, something different and unique. Don’t forget to add signatures if that forum allows you to add that.

    Tip#3 Directory Submission Links submitted in one way link directories can bring along some visitors to your site apart from back links building.

    Tip #4 Submit Your site to CSS Galleries There are 100’s of sites which do list websites with good designs right on their home page on a daily basis, so showcase your website & get the traffic.

    Tip #5 Press release sites & article sites One of the very old and powerful way to get the targeted traffic, quality links and limelight.

    Tip #6 PHP & CGI Scripts Directory If you have any website that offers web tool or service then you can submit your scripts to these Scripts Directories.

    Tip #7 Video Sharing Websites Share your videos with web community because videos speak out more than text. Hundred’s of sites are there & if you post your video to at least 30 of them, then huge traffic will be coming your way.

    Tip #8 Tutorial Websites Lots of benefits like incoming links, traffic, and reputation building in your niche community. All these things will result in higher revenues & better opportunities for your website.

    Tip #9 Ebook submission sites Let the potential buyers find you by submitting your content to these websites.

    Tip #10 Link Exchange Links at your partner sites can bring visitors on your website & it will boost your PR too if they are coming from good PR sites.

    Don’t hesitate to face the world, let the people feel you presence, announce yourself. Just spread your word. Above mentioned Tips can increase number of new and repeat visitors on your website with noticeable figures…

  10. Look and Advertise your website there.

    I found there website through an article that specifically listed they as a good website that sells high quality traffic. I purchased 5,000 visitors to my website, and noticed the difference before I even checked my logs! I am so glad that I finally found a way to market my website that can be done quickly. I know how important SEO is, but they have to promote in other ways too. I know I've found a working method!

    I just wanted to say how impressed I was with there service. My campaigns were set up promptly and delivered as promised. I was impressed with the results as well. I purchased traffic for two of my websites and I received over 1450 signups for the first website and over 1030 signups for the second. (That's less than $0.01 a lead! Try finding that elsewhere!).

    There advertising works great. I'm using a direct landing page for my campaign and have been tracking every ad. A very high amount of visitors have been browsing my site and my conversion rates have gone up..

    Ever since I began advertising with Quality Traffic Supply, my sales have greatly increased. Since I now have a steady source of traffic which is targeted to my content, I now get a good return on investment. There traffic has worked wonders for me. I buy about 5,000 visitors a month to split up between my 2 websites, and for every $10 I spend there I bring in another $30!

  11. Make use of advertising services such as: good sites  - advertise services & products, can edit your ad in category-better.  - advertise services & products.

    Create a blog, allow comments.

    Add url to directories.

    Advice: avoid link farms; if you put a link to your site on a so called ‘link- farm’, then put the page containing that link on your site, your site drops out of Google.

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