
How do I become my future?

by Guest57317  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and have started to figure out what I'm good at and what I want to do when I "grow up".I am a Disney fanatic and a Broadway lover.I am in chorus and will be taking singing lessons next year. I have been told I am a really personable girl and have the "show/Broadway" look and sound.

What I want to do during college is go to Disney and perform as the Belle from Beauty and the Beast singing show.

After college I plan on going to New York or L.A and get onto Broadway or a travelling theatre for Beauty and the Beast.

I want to go to UCF college(University of Central Florida) but I need to get the best of my musical abilities out there.

So my questions are:

What college would be best to go into musical theatre?

What should I major in?

After college how do I go about getting onto Broadway/travelling theatre?

What can I do to make myself a better Belle/theatre character?

I'd also like to add that I have been publicly speaking for 5 years now and am very outgoing. :)




  1. OK.  First off, I share your desire, except that I want to be a movie actress instead, but my sister wants to be a Broadway star!!  Second, on to your questions:

    1. My sister who wants to be on Broadway, went, and still is, going to AMDA, The American Musical Dramatic Academy in New York City, and LOVES IT!! (There's also one in LA.) There are apartments that are associated with the school near Columbus circle, a nice area, used for dorms.  The teachers are wonderful, and a lot of their students have become tv stars, Broadway, and just plain entertainment associated.  I don't really know if there are better schools out there, but I'm telling you what my sister thinks about the college she's at now.  

    2. You should probably major in, or at least take classes for, acting, voice, and just theater in general.

    3.Now, getting into Broadway shows takes a lot, A LOT, of patience, energy, and patience.  Just keep auditioning for anything you can get on as well as off B'way, even if it's ensamble IT'S SOMETHING.  

    4. I would say, study the background info of previous Belle actresses through the years, and see as many shows as you can see, in Orlando or New York.

    Now I know you would like to work in Disney, but get as much theater education as you can, it pays off in the long run.  If you don;t get the part of Belle, yet still get in the show some how, keep that part, you'll progress to the lead if you work at it.  GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. well first off, you wouldnt be able to be a lead disney character and attend college at the same time- its a full time job.this is the most competitive field in the world and only ONE person can get the job you want, so dont be so specific- youll just be setting yourself up for failure. second of all, getting a degree in musical theater wont neccessarily give you an edge over any of the other actresses auditioning.  thousands upon thousands of people think they have the broadway look and sound, but the sad reality is that the vast majority never make it to the stage, and end up waiting tables while auditioning for off-off broadway shows. you really cant prepare yourself and study for years in order to be one specific character- you are stacking the odds against yourself even more than they already are. i know this sounds harsh, but you will experience rejection, and often, as every performer does. i just know SO many people who have degrees in musical theater from top perf. arts schools and audition all the time (and are extremely talented and very attractive) that havent been able to get anything more than a non-paying  job as a cast member of a stage play in a dinky little theater or an independent film made by a student that noone will really ever see (besides his class). keep going after your dream, but expand your standards- if the only thing you are willing to be is belle, or even any character on broadway or at disney you will be very dissappointed in the long run. you need to do it for the love of musical theater, not because you want to "be belle".

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